Github user SparkQA commented on the issue: **[Test build #84443 has finished](** for PR 19882 at commit [`5f2025a`]( * This patch passes all tests. * This patch merges cleanly. * This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_: * `class OrcFilterSuite extends OrcTest with SharedSQLContext ` * ` implicit class IntToBinary(int: Int) ` * `case class OrcParData(intField: Int, stringField: String)` * `case class OrcParDataWithKey(intField: Int, pi: Int, stringField: String, ps: String)` * `abstract class OrcPartitionDiscoveryTest extends OrcTest ` * `class OrcPartitionDiscoverySuite extends OrcPartitionDiscoveryTest with SharedSQLContext ` * `case class AllDataTypesWithNonPrimitiveType(` * `case class BinaryData(binaryData: Array[Byte])` * `case class Contact(name: String, phone: String)` * `case class Person(name: String, age: Int, contacts: Seq[Contact])` * `abstract class OrcQueryTest extends OrcTest ` * ` test(\"Creating case class RDD table\") ` * ` test(\"save and load case class RDD with `None`s as orc\") ` * `class OrcQuerySuite extends OrcQueryTest with SharedSQLContext ` * `case class OrcData(intField: Int, stringField: String)` * `abstract class OrcSuite extends OrcTest with BeforeAndAfterAll ` * `class OrcSourceSuite extends OrcSuite with SharedSQLContext ` * `abstract class OrcTest extends QueryTest with SQLTestUtils ` * `class HiveOrcFilterSuite extends OrcTest with TestHiveSingleton ` * ` implicit class IntToBinary(int: Int) ` * `class HiveOrcPartitionDiscoverySuite extends OrcPartitionDiscoveryTest with TestHiveSingleton ` * `class HiveOrcQuerySuite extends OrcQueryTest with TestHiveSingleton ` * `class HiveOrcSourceSuite extends OrcSuite with TestHiveSingleton ` * `class HiveOrcHadoopFsRelationSuite extends OrcHadoopFsRelationSuite `
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