Github user vanzin commented on the issue:
    > We discuss this a bit more in here
    It's nice that there is some documentation somewhere, but that 
documentation doesn't really seem to address my comments. For one example, it 
only explicitly talks about the driver - which sort of makes sense because the 
document is about submission. But why aren't orchestrators used when starting 
executors too? It seems there's similar code baked into another class instead.
    What I'm asking is for this to be documented properly so that someone who 
didn't write the code has enough information to know that it's working as it 
should. Right now I don't see what some of these abstractions are for at all - 
for example, as far as I can see, the orchestrator can be replaced by a method 
call instead of being a completely separate type; it's not really abstracting 
anything. Look at where it's used:
        val configurationStepsOrchestrator = new DriverConfigOrchestrator(...)
another long list of arguments */)0) { kubernetesClient =>
            val client = new Client(
              /* another long list of arguments */
    So aside from not really being able to infer the structure of how these 
things work, the current abstraction seems to be creating a lot of constructors 
and methods with long lists of arguments, which is another thing that hurts the 
readability of the code.


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