Github user jkbradley commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
    +import org.apache.spark.SparkException
    +import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
    +import{Estimator, Model}
    +import{HasHandleInvalid, HasInputCols, 
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, lit, udf}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, NumericType, StructField, 
    +/** Private trait for params and common methods for OneHotEncoderEstimator 
and OneHotEncoderModel */
    +private[ml] trait OneHotEncoderBase extends Params with HasHandleInvalid
    +    with HasInputCols with HasOutputCols {
    +  /**
    +   * Param for how to handle invalid data.
    +   * Options are 'keep' (invalid data presented as an extra categorical 
feature) or
    +   * 'error' (throw an error).
    +   * Default: "error"
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  override val handleInvalid: Param[String] = new Param[String](this, 
    +    "How to handle invalid data " +
    +    "Options are 'keep' (invalid data presented as an extra categorical 
feature) " +
    +    "or error (throw an error).",
    +  setDefault(handleInvalid, OneHotEncoderEstimator.ERROR_INVALID)
    +  /**
    +   * Whether to drop the last category in the encoded vector (default: 
    +   * @group param
    +   */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  final val dropLast: BooleanParam =
    +    new BooleanParam(this, "dropLast", "whether to drop the last category")
    +  setDefault(dropLast -> true)
    +  /** @group getParam */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def getDropLast: Boolean = $(dropLast)
    +  protected def validateAndTransformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType 
= {
    +    val inputColNames = $(inputCols)
    +    val outputColNames = $(outputCols)
    +    val existingFields = schema.fields
    +    require(inputColNames.length == outputColNames.length,
    +      s"The number of input columns ${inputColNames.length} must be the 
same as the number of " +
    +        s"output columns ${outputColNames.length}.")
    + { case (inputColName, 
outputColName) =>
    +      require(schema(inputColName).dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType],
    +        s"Input column must be of type NumericType but got 
    +      require(!existingFields.exists( == outputColName),
    +        s"Output column $outputColName already exists.")
    +    }
    +    // Prepares output columns with proper attributes by examining input 
    +    val inputFields = $(inputCols).map(schema(_))
    +    val keepInvalid = $(handleInvalid) == 
    +    val outputFields = { case 
(inputField, outputColName) =>
    +      OneHotEncoderCommon.transformOutputColumnSchema(
    +        inputField, $(dropLast), outputColName, keepInvalid)
    +    }
    +    StructType(schema.fields ++ outputFields)
    +  }
    + * A one-hot encoder that maps a column of category indices to a column of 
binary vectors, with
    + * at most a single one-value per row that indicates the input category 
    + * For example with 5 categories, an input value of 2.0 would map to an 
output vector of
    + * `[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]`.
    + * The last category is not included by default (configurable via 
    + * because it makes the vector entries sum up to one, and hence linearly 
    + * So an input value of 4.0 maps to `[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]`.
    + *
    + * @note This is different from scikit-learn's OneHotEncoder, which keeps 
all categories.
    + * The output vectors are sparse.
    + *
    + * When `handleInvalid` is configured to 'keep', an extra "category" 
indicating invalid values is
    + * added as last category. So when `dropLast` is true, invalid values are 
encoded as all-zeros
    + * vector.
    + *
    + * @see `StringIndexer` for converting categorical values into category 
    + */
    +class OneHotEncoderEstimator @Since("2.3.0") (@Since("2.3.0") override val 
uid: String)
    +    extends Estimator[OneHotEncoderModel] with OneHotEncoderBase with 
DefaultParamsWritable {
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("oneHotEncoder"))
    +  /** @group setParam */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def setInputCols(values: Array[String]): this.type = set(inputCols, 
    +  /** @group setParam */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def setOutputCols(values: Array[String]): this.type = set(outputCols, 
    +  /** @group setParam */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def setDropLast(value: Boolean): this.type = set(dropLast, value)
    +  /** @group setParam */
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  def setHandleInvalid(value: String): this.type = set(handleInvalid, 
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    +    validateAndTransformSchema(schema)
    +  }
    +  @Since("2.3.0")
    +  override def fit(dataset: Dataset[_]): OneHotEncoderModel = {
    +    val transformedSchema = transformSchema(dataset.schema)
    +    val categorySizes = new Array[Int]($(outputCols).length)
    +    val columnToScanIndices = $(outputCols).zipWithIndex.flatMap { case 
(outputColName, idx) =>
    +      val numOfAttrs = AttributeGroup.fromStructField(
    +        transformedSchema(outputColName)).size
    +      if (numOfAttrs < 0) {
    +        Some(idx)
    +      } else {
    +        categorySizes(idx) = numOfAttrs
    +        None
    +      }
    +    }
    +    // Some input columns don't have attributes or their attributes don't 
have necessary info.
    +    // We need to scan the data to get the number of values for each 
    +    if (columnToScanIndices.length > 0) {
    +      val inputColNames =$(inputCols)(_))
    +      val outputColNames =$(outputCols)(_))
    +      val keepInvalid = $(handleInvalid) == 
    +      val attrGroups = OneHotEncoderCommon.getOutputAttrGroupFromData(
    +        dataset, $(dropLast), inputColNames, outputColNames, keepInvalid)
    + { case (attrGroup, idx) 
    +        categorySizes(idx) = attrGroup.size
    --- End diff --
    This category size is being specified with keepInvalid and dropLast taken 
into account, but it shouldn't be.  It should be the plain number of categories 
since OneHotEncoderModel can have its keepInvalid and dropLast settings 
changed.  Unit testing this somewhat complex behavior would be nice (and 
verifyNumOfValues should fail in some of these cases).


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