Github user rednaxelafx commented on the issue: I gave it a bit more thought. Here's an alternative proposal: instead of using a "force comment" mechanism in the current form (which still gets a `ctx.freshName("c")` that the caller has no control over), why don't we provide an alternative API that also forces comment, but allows the caller to specify a (within the `CodegenContext`) unique ID for the placeholder comment? In this case, instead of using `/*wholestagecodegen_c*/` as the placeholder, which can be brittle if someone adds new calls to `ctx.registerComment()` in `WholeStageCodegenExec`, we can call `ctx.registerComment(comment, placeholderId = "wsc_codegenStageId")`, which we can be sure that it'll end up creating a placeholder comment of `/*wsc_codegenStageId*/`, stable across all whole-stage generated main classes, that would never affect the codegen cache behavior. @kiszk WDYT?
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