Github user rxin commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/TachyonStore.scala 
    @@ -105,25 +106,17 @@ private[spark] class TachyonStore(
           return None
         val is = file.getInStream(ReadType.CACHE)
    -    var buffer: ByteBuffer = null
    +    assert (is != null)
         try {
    -      if (is != null) {
    -        val size = file.length
    -        val bs = new Array[Byte](size.asInstanceOf[Int])
    -        val fetchSize =, 0, size.asInstanceOf[Int])
    -        buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bs)
    -        if (fetchSize != size) {
    -          logWarning(s"Failed to fetch the block $blockId from Tachyon: 
Size $size " +
    -            s"is not equal to fetched size $fetchSize")
    -          return None
    -        }
    -      }
    +      val size = file.length
    +      val bs = new Array[Byte](size.asInstanceOf[Int])
    +      ByteStreams.readFully(is, bs)
    +      Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(bs))
         } catch {
    --- End diff --
    because we are supposed to return None if this fails ... it is pretty easy 
to recover from OOM here, if the OOM is due to the creation of the array.

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