Github user maropu commented on the issue:
    ok, I got the reason why;
    $ ./bin/spark-shell --master=local[1]
    scala> import scala.util.Random
    scala> :paste
    def timer[R](f: => {}): Unit = {
      val count = 5
      val iters = (0 until count).map { i =>
        val t0 = System.nanoTime()
        val t1 = System.nanoTime()
        val elapsed = t1 - t0 + 0.0
        println(s"#$i: ${elapsed / 1000000000.0}")
      println("Avg. Elapsed Time: " + ((iters.sum / count) / 1000000000.0) + 
    var dir = "/home/ec2-user/parquet-test-string"
    val numRows = 1024 * 1024 * 15
    val width = 6
    val selectExpr = (1 to width).map(i => s"CAST(value AS STRING) c$i")
    val valueCol = monotonically_increasing_id().cast("string")
    val df = spark.range(numRows).map(_ => 
Random.nextLong).selectExpr(selectExpr: _*).withColumn("value", 
    scala> sql("SET spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown=true")
    scala> timer { sql("select * from parquetTable where value = '0'").collect }
    #0: 1.041495043                                                             
    #1: 0.53017502
    #2: 0.468505896
    #3: 0.437655119
    #4: 0.429151435
    Avg. Elapsed Time: 0.5813965026s
    scala> sql("select * from parquetTable where value = 0").explain
    == Physical Plan ==
    *(1) Project [c1#35, c2#36, c3#37, c4#38, c5#39, c6#40, value#41]
    +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(value#41) && (cast(value#41 as int) = 0))
       +- *(1) FileScan parquet [c1#35,c2#36,c3#37,c4#38,c5#39,c6#40,value#41] 
Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: 
InMemoryFileIndex[file:/home/ec2-user/parquet-test-string], PartitionFilters: 
[], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(value)], ReadSchema: 
    scala> timer { sql("select * from parquetTable where value = 0").collect }
    #0: 10.656159769                                                            
    #1: 10.583965537                                                            
    #2: 10.486018192                                                            
    #3: 10.475532898                                                            
    #4: 10.494059857                                                            
    Avg. Elapsed Time: 10.539147250600001s
    scala> sql("select * from parquetTable where value = '0'").explain
    == Physical Plan ==
    *(1) Project [c1#35, c2#36, c3#37, c4#38, c5#39, c6#40, value#41]
    +- *(1) Filter (isnotnull(value#41) && (value#41 = 0))
       +- *(1) FileScan parquet [c1#35,c2#36,c3#37,c4#38,c5#39,c6#40,value#41] 
Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: 
InMemoryFileIndex[file:/home/ec2-user/parquet-test-string], PartitionFilters: 
[], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(value), EqualTo(value,0)], ReadSchema: 
    We do push down the predicate `value = '0'` into the parquet filter though, 
we don't push down the predicate `value = 0`. So, this is a spark-side issue 
for push-down handling.


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