Github user zheh12 commented on the issue:
    I know this sql standard.
    But I wonder If I use `query.schema`, how it will affect the logic of 
    I think we should let datasource implement has the ability to decide use 
by-position or by-name.
    As the implement of kudu-spark, it decides to use by-name with this map
    val indices: Array[(Int, Int)] ={ case 
(field, sparkIdx) =>
          sparkIdx -> table.getSchema.getColumnIndex(
    But now we give a wrong shcmea, it always be something like (0,0), (1,1), 
it always be by-position.
    But I think this code want to be by-name. Beacuse kudu schema must put 
primary key first, so it always has different order from other table schema.
    When create dataframe with `query.schema`, there will no error by-position, 
but add the possibility to let
    datasource to choose by-name or by-position.
    But now the datasource must be by-position.
    And more, As a developer, I choose to implement InsertableRelation
    trait InsertableRelation {
      def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit
    I have the possibility get the wrong schema, and I can't find nothing wrong 
with the dataframe.
    @cloud-fan What I think is right?


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