Github user pgandhi999 commented on the issue:
    @ajbozarth @vanzin @tgravescs Hello,
    After our last discussion in PR, 
I have made some changes to the datatables, to fetch the data and perform sort, 
search and pagination on the server side for the tasks table. I request you to 
review the changes. 
    Also one known issue with the PR is that currently, the task datatables are 
displaying all the columns(shuffle read metrics, write metrics, shuffle spill 
memory and disk etc.) regardless of any data being there or not. As of yet, I 
could not find a better way to hide those columns and display them only when 
there is data as the data is coming from the server end so performing client 
side validation was proving to be tricky. Will work on it later in the course 
of addressing reviews.


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