Github user xuanyuanking commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1208,9 +1208,38 @@ object PushPredicateThroughJoin extends 
Rule[LogicalPlan] with PredicateHelper {
                 reduceLeftOption(And).map(Filter(_, left)).getOrElse(left)
               val newRight = rightJoinConditions.
                 reduceLeftOption(And).map(Filter(_, right)).getOrElse(right)
    -          val newJoinCond = commonJoinCondition.reduceLeftOption(And)
    -          Join(newLeft, newRight, joinType, newJoinCond)
    +          val (newJoinConditions, others) =
    +            commonJoinCondition.partition(canEvaluateWithinJoin)
    +          val newJoinCond = newJoinConditions.reduceLeftOption(And)
    +          val newJoinType =
    +            if (commonJoinCondition.nonEmpty && newJoinCond.isEmpty) {
    +              if (SQLConf.get.crossJoinEnabled) {
    +                // if condition expression is unevaluable, it will be 
removed from
    +                // the new join conditions, if all conditions is 
unevaluable, we should
    +                // change the join type to CrossJoin.
    +                logWarning(s"The whole 
commonJoinCondition:$commonJoinCondition of the join " +
    +                  "plan is unevaluable, it will be ignored and the join 
plan will be " +
    +                  s"turned to cross join. This plan shows below:\n $j")
    +                Cross
    +              } else {
    +                // if the crossJoinEnabled is false, an AnalysisException 
will throw by
    +                // [[CheckCartesianProducts]], we throw firstly here for 
better readable
    +                // information.
    +                throw new AnalysisException("Detected the whole 
commonJoinCondition:" +
    +                  "$commonJoinCondition of the join plan is unevaluable, 
we need to cast the" +
    +                  " join to cross join by setting the configuration 
variable" +
    +                  " spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled = true.")
    --- End diff --
    Make sense, also change this in `CheckCartesianProducts`. Done in 82e50d5.


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