Github user andrewor14 commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -139,14 +139,15 @@ private[spark] object SparkSubmitDriverBootstrapper {
         // subprocess there already reads directly from our stdin, so we 
should avoid spawning a
         // thread that contends with the subprocess in reading from
         val isWindows = Utils.isWindows
    -    val isPySparkShell = sys.env.contains("PYSPARK_SHELL")
    +    val isSubprocess = sys.env.contains("IS_SUBPROCESS")
         if (!isWindows) {
           val stdinThread = new RedirectThread(, 
process.getOutputStream, "redirect stdin")
    -      // For the PySpark shell, Spark submit itself runs as a python 
subprocess, and so this JVM
    -      // should terminate on broken pipe, which signals that the parent 
process has exited. In
    -      // Windows, the termination logic for the PySpark shell is handled 
    -      if (isPySparkShell) {
    +      // Spark submit (JVM) may can runs as a subprocess, and so this JVM 
should terminate on
    --- End diff --
    can run. I'll fix this when I merge it

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