Github user rxin commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/network/nio/ConnectionManager.scala ---
    @@ -899,22 +904,41 @@ private[nio] class ConnectionManager(
           : Future[Message] = {
         val promise = Promise[Message]()
    -    val timeoutTask = new TimerTask {
    -      override def run(): Unit = {
    +    // It's important that the TimerTask doesn't capture a reference to 
`message`, which can cause
    +    // memory leaks since cancelled TimerTasks won't necessarily be 
garbage collected until the time
    +    // at which they would originally be scheduled to run.  Therefore, 
extract the message id
    +    // from outside of the TimerTask closure (see SPARK-4393 for more 
    +    val messageId =
    +    // Keep a weak reference to the promise so that the completed promise 
may be garbage-collected
    +    val promiseReference = new WeakReference(promise)
    +    val timeoutTask: TimerTask = new TimerTask {
    +      override def run(timeout: Timeout): Unit = {
             messageStatuses.synchronized {
    -          messageStatuses.remove( ( s => {
    +          messageStatuses.remove(messageId).foreach ( s => {
                 val e = new IOException("sendMessageReliably failed because 
ack " +
                   s"was not received within $ackTimeout sec")
    -            if (!promise.tryFailure(e)) {
    -              logWarning("Ignore error because promise is completed", e)
    +            Option(promiseReference.get) match {
    --- End diff --
    why not 
    val p = promiseReference.get
    if (p == null) {
    } else {

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