Github user vanzin commented on the issue:
    BTW this is what it looks like (just to show it works):
    > test
    [ lots of output from compiling stuff]
 method addedClasspath in class ILoop is deprecated: Use reset, replay or 
require to update class path
    [warn]         settings.classpath append addedClasspath
    Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.522GB
    [lots of uninteresting output from docker]
    Successfully built c643f12c5b88
    Successfully tagged spark-r:dev
    [info] Compiling 3 Scala sources to 
    [success] created output: 
    [info] KubernetesSuite:
    [info] - Run SparkPi with no resources (18 seconds, 58 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run SparkPi with a very long application name. (17 seconds, 788 
    [info] - Use SparkLauncher.NO_RESOURCE (17 seconds, 632 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run SparkPi with a master URL without a scheme. (18 seconds, 288 
    [info] - Run SparkPi with an argument. (19 seconds, 200 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run SparkPi with custom labels, annotations, and environment 
variables. (17 seconds, 643 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run extraJVMOptions check on driver (7 seconds, 481 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run SparkRemoteFileTest using a remote data file (17 seconds, 809 
    [info] - Run SparkPi with env and mount secrets. (29 seconds, 600 
    [info] - Run PySpark on simple example (21 seconds, 703 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run PySpark with Python2 to test a pyfiles example (19 seconds, 
554 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run PySpark with Python3 to test a pyfiles example (17 seconds, 
629 milliseconds)
    [info] - Run PySpark with memory customization (19 seconds, 817 
    [info] - Run in client mode. (14 seconds, 537 milliseconds)
    [info] - Start pod creation from template (17 seconds, 924 milliseconds)
    [info] ScalaTest
    [info] Total number of tests run: 15
    [info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
    [info] Tests: succeeded 15, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
    [info] All tests passed.
    [info] Passed: Total 15, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 15
    [info] Run completed in 6 minutes, 30 seconds.
    [success] Total time: 544 s, completed Nov 1, 2018 10:37:34 AM
    I don't like how slow it is to build the images, but that's ok for now. At 
some point I might look into it more.


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