Github user felixcheung commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: R/pkg/R/SQLContext.R ---
    @@ -189,19 +238,67 @@ createDataFrame <- function(data, schema = NULL, 
samplingRatio = 1.0,
    +      data[] <- lapply(data, cleanCols)
    -      # drop factors and wrap lists
    -      data <- setNames(lapply(data, cleanCols), NULL)
    +      args <- list(FUN = list, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    +      if (arrowEnabled) {
    +        shouldUseArrow <- tryCatch({
    +          stopifnot(length(data) > 0)
    +          dataHead <- head(data, 1)
    +          # Currenty Arrow optimization does not support POSIXct and raw 
for now.
    +          # Also, it does not support explicit float type set by users. It 
leads to
    +          # incorrect conversion. We will fall back to the path without 
Arrow optimization.
    +          if (any(sapply(dataHead, function(x) is(x, "POSIXct")))) {
    +            stop("Arrow optimization with R DataFrame does not support 
POSIXct type yet.")
    +          }
    +          if (any(sapply(dataHead, is.raw))) {
    +            stop("Arrow optimization with R DataFrame does not support raw 
type yet.")
    +          }
    +          if (inherits(schema, "structType")) {
    +            if (any(sapply(schema$fields(), function(x) 
x$dataType.toString() == "FloatType"))) {
    +              stop("Arrow optimization with R DataFrame does not support 
FloatType type yet.")
    +            }
    +          }
    +          firstRow <-, append(args, dataHead))[[1]]
    +          fileName <- writeToTempFileInArrow(data, numPartitions)
    +          tryCatch(
    +            jrddInArrow <- 
    +                                       "readArrowStreamFromFile",
    +                                       sparkSession,
    +                                       fileName),
    +          finally = {
    +            file.remove(fileName)
    +          })
    +          TRUE
    +        },
    +        error = function(e) {
    +          message(paste0("WARN: createDataFrame attempted Arrow 
optimization because ",
    --- End diff --


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