Github user ilganeli commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/TaskSetManager.scala ---
    @@ -458,6 +458,20 @@ private[spark] class TaskSetManager(
               val startTime = clock.getTime()
               // We rely on the DAGScheduler to catch non-serializable 
closures and RDDs, so in here
               // we assume the task can be serialized without exceptions.
    +          // Check if serialization debugging is enabled
    +          // TODO After acceptance, documentation for this option should 
be added to ScalaDoc
    +          val printRdd : Boolean ="spark.serializer.debug")
    +            .getOrElse("false").equals("true")
    +          // If enabled, print out the added JARs and files (as part of 
the context) to help 
    +          // identify unserializable components
    --- End diff --
    Hi Josh - I hear what you're saying. I'm realizing that I had an incomplete 
understanding of task serialization. What would the correct structures to look 
at be as far as debugging serialization problems within the task? 

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