Github user yhuai commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/sources/ddl.scala ---
    @@ -83,10 +99,104 @@ private[sql] class DDLParser extends 
StandardTokenParsers with PackratParsers wi
       protected lazy val className: Parser[String] = repsep(ident, ".") ^^ { 
case s => s.mkString(".")}
       protected lazy val pair: Parser[(String, String)] = ident ~ stringLit ^^ 
{ case k ~ v => (k,v) }
    +  protected lazy val column: Parser[StructField] =
    +  ( ident ~  ident ^^ { case name ~ typ =>
    +      StructField(name, metastoreTypes.toDataType(typ))
    +    }
    +  |
    +    ident ~ (DECIMAL ~ "(" ~> numericLit) ~ ("," ~> numericLit <~ ")") ^^ {
    +      case name ~ precision ~ scale =>
    +        StructField(name, DecimalType(precision.toInt, scale.toInt))
    +    }
    +  )
    + * :: DeveloperApi ::
    + * Provides a parser for data types.
    + */
    +private[sql] class MetastoreTypes extends RegexParsers {
    +  protected lazy val primitiveType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    "string" ^^^ StringType |
    +      "float" ^^^ FloatType |
    +      "int" ^^^ IntegerType |
    +      "tinyint" ^^^ ByteType |
    +      "smallint" ^^^ ShortType |
    +      "double" ^^^ DoubleType |
    +      "bigint" ^^^ LongType |
    +      "binary" ^^^ BinaryType |
    +      "boolean" ^^^ BooleanType |
    +      fixedDecimalType |                     // decimal with 
    +      "decimal" ^^^ DecimalType.Unlimited |  // decimal with no 
    +      "date" ^^^ DateType |
    +      "timestamp" ^^^ TimestampType |
    +      "varchar\\((\\d+)\\)".r ^^^ StringType
    +  protected lazy val fixedDecimalType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    ("decimal" ~> "(" ~> "\\d+".r) ~ ("," ~> "\\d+".r <~ ")") ^^ {
    +      case precision ~ scale =>
    +        DecimalType(precision.toInt, scale.toInt)
    +    }
    +  protected lazy val arrayType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    "array" ~> "<" ~> dataType <~ ">" ^^ {
    +      case tpe => ArrayType(tpe)
    +    }
    +  protected lazy val mapType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    "map" ~> "<" ~> dataType ~ "," ~ dataType <~ ">" ^^ {
    +      case t1 ~ _ ~ t2 => MapType(t1, t2)
    +    }
    +  protected lazy val structField: Parser[StructField] =
    +    "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*".r ~ ":" ~ dataType ^^ {
    +      case name ~ _ ~ tpe => StructField(name, tpe, nullable = true)
    +    }
    +  protected lazy val structType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    "struct" ~> "<" ~> repsep(structField,",") <~ ">"  ^^ {
    +      case fields => new StructType(fields)
    +    }
    +  private[sql] lazy val dataType: Parser[DataType] =
    +    arrayType |
    +      mapType |
    +      structType |
    +      primitiveType
    +  def toDataType(metastoreType: String): DataType = parseAll(dataType, 
metastoreType) match {
    +    case Success(result, _) => result
    +    case failure: NoSuccess => sys.error(s"Unsupported dataType: 
    +  }
    +  def toMetastoreType(dt: DataType): String = dt match {
    --- End diff --
    Seems we do not need it at here since we only need to parse strings. 

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