Github user coderxiang commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/ml/recommendation/ALS.scala 
    @@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
    + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
    + * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
    + * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
    + * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
    + * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
    + * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    + *
    + *
    + *
    + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    + * limitations under the License.
    + */
    +import java.{util => javaUtil}
    +import scala.collection.mutable
    +import com.github.fommil.netlib.BLAS.{getInstance => blas}
    +import com.github.fommil.netlib.LAPACK.{getInstance => lapack}
    +import org.netlib.util.intW
    +import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, Logging, Partitioner}
    +import{Estimator, Model}
    +import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.{SchemaRDD, StructType}
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl._
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Cast
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.LeftOuter
    +import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.types.{DoubleType, FloatType, 
IntegerType, StructField}
    +import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
    +import org.apache.spark.util.collection.{OpenHashMap, OpenHashSet, 
SortDataFormat, Sorter}
    +import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom
    + * Common params for ALS.
    + */
    +private[recommendation] trait ALSParams extends Params with HasMaxIter 
with HasRegParam
    +  with HasPredictionCol {
    +  /** Param for rank of the matrix factorization. */
    +  val rank = new IntParam(this, "rank", "rank of the factorization", 
    +  def getRank: Int = get(rank)
    +  /** Param for number of user blocks. */
    +  val numUserBlocks = new IntParam(this, "numUserBlocks", "number of user 
blocks", Some(10))
    +  def getNumUserBlocks: Int = get(numUserBlocks)
    +  /** Param for number of item blocks. */
    +  val numItemBlocks =
    +    new IntParam(this, "numItemBlocks", "number of item blocks", Some(10))
    +  def getNumItemBlocks: Int = get(numItemBlocks)
    +  /** Param to decide whether to use implicit preference. */
    +  val implicitPrefs =
    +    new BooleanParam(this, "implicitPrefs", "whether to use implicit 
preference", Some(false))
    +  def getImplicitPrefs: Boolean = get(implicitPrefs)
    +  /** Param for the alpha parameter in the implicit preference 
formulation. */
    +  val alpha = new DoubleParam(this, "alpha", "alpha for implicit 
preference", Some(1.0))
    +  def getAlpha: Double = get(alpha)
    +  /** Param for the column name for user ids. */
    +  val userCol = new Param[String](this, "userCol", "column name for user 
ids", Some("user"))
    +  def getUserCol: String = get(userCol)
    +  /** Param for the column name for item ids. */
    +  val itemCol =
    +    new Param[String](this, "itemCol", "column name for item ids", 
    +  def getItemCol: String = get(itemCol)
    +  /** Param for the column name for ratings. */
    +  val ratingCol = new Param[String](this, "ratingCol", "column name for 
ratings", Some("rating"))
    +  def getRatingCol: String = get(ratingCol)
    +  /**
    +   * Validates and transforms the input schema.
    +   * @param schema input schema
    +   * @param paramMap extra params
    +   * @return output schema
    +   */
    +  protected def validateAndTransformSchema(schema: StructType, paramMap: 
ParamMap): StructType = {
    +    val map = this.paramMap ++ paramMap
    +    assert(schema(map(userCol)).dataType == IntegerType)
    +    assert(schema(map(itemCol)).dataType== IntegerType)
    +    val ratingType = schema(map(ratingCol)).dataType
    +    assert(ratingType == FloatType || ratingType == DoubleType)
    +    val predictionColName = map(predictionCol)
    +    assert(!schema.fieldNames.contains(predictionColName),
    +      s"Prediction column $predictionColName already exists.")
    +    val newFields = schema.fields :+ StructField(map(predictionCol), 
FloatType, nullable = false)
    +    StructType(newFields)
    +  }
    + * Model fitted by ALS.
    + */
    +class ALSModel private[ml] (
    +    override val parent: ALS,
    +    override val fittingParamMap: ParamMap,
    +    k: Int,
    +    userFactors: RDD[(Int, Array[Float])],
    +    itemFactors: RDD[(Int, Array[Float])])
    +  extends Model[ALSModel] with ALSParams {
    +  def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, 
    +  override def transform(dataset: SchemaRDD, paramMap: ParamMap): 
SchemaRDD = {
    +    import dataset.sqlContext._
    +    import
    +    val map = this.paramMap ++ paramMap
    +    // TODO: Add DSL to simplify the code here.
    +    val instanceTable = s"instance_$uid"
    +    val userTable = s"user_$uid"
    +    val itemTable = s"item_$uid"
    +    val instances =
    +    val users = { case (id, features) =>
    +      Factor(id, features)
    +    }.as(Symbol(userTable))
    +    val items = { case (id, features) =>
    +      Factor(id, features)
    +    }.as(Symbol(itemTable))
    +    val predict: (Seq[Float], Seq[Float]) => Float = (userFeatures, 
itemFeatures) => {
    +      if (userFeatures != null && itemFeatures != null) {
    +        blas.sdot(k, userFeatures.toArray, 1, itemFeatures.toArray, 1)
    +      } else {
    +        Float.NaN
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val inputColumns = dataset.schema.fieldNames
    +    val prediction =
s"$itemTable.features".attr) as map(predictionCol)
    +    val outputColumns = => s"$instanceTable.$f".attr as 
f) :+ prediction
    +    instances
    +      .join(users, LeftOuter, Some(map(userCol).attr === 
    +      .join(items, LeftOuter, Some(map(itemCol).attr === 
    +      .select(outputColumns: _*)
    +  }
    +  override private[ml] def transformSchema(schema: StructType, paramMap: 
ParamMap): StructType = {
    +    validateAndTransformSchema(schema, paramMap)
    +  }
    +private object ALSModel {
    +  /** Case class to convert factors to SchemaRDDs */
    +  private case class Factor(id: Int, features: Seq[Float])
    + * Alternating Least Squares (ALS) matrix factorization.
    + *
    + * ALS attempts to estimate the ratings matrix `R` as the product of two 
lower-rank matrices,
    + * `X` and `Y`, i.e. `X * Yt = R`. Typically these approximations are 
called 'factor' matrices.
    + * The general approach is iterative. During each iteration, one of the 
factor matrices is held
    + * constant, while the other is solved for using least squares. The 
newly-solved factor matrix is
    + * then held constant while solving for the other factor matrix.
    + *
    + * This is a blocked implementation of the ALS factorization algorithm 
that groups the two sets
    + * of factors (referred to as "users" and "products") into blocks and 
reduces communication by only
    + * sending one copy of each user vector to each product block on each 
iteration, and only for the
    + * product blocks that need that user's feature vector. This is achieved 
by pre-computing some
    + * information about the ratings matrix to determine the "out-links" of 
each user (which blocks of
    + * products it will contribute to) and "in-link" information for each 
product (which of the feature
    + * vectors it receives from each user block it will depend on). This 
allows us to send only an
    + * array of feature vectors between each user block and product block, and 
have the product block
    + * find the users' ratings and update the products based on these messages.
    + *
    + * For implicit preference data, the algorithm used is based on
    + * "Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets", available at
    + * [[]], adapted for the blocked 
approach used here.
    + *
    + * Essentially instead of finding the low-rank approximations to the 
rating matrix `R`,
    + * this finds the approximations for a preference matrix `P` where the 
elements of `P` are 1 if
    + * r > 0 and 0 if r = 0. The ratings then act as 'confidence' values 
related to strength of
    + * indicated user
    + * preferences rather than explicit ratings given to items.
    + */
    +class ALS extends Estimator[ALSModel] with ALSParams {
    +  import
    +  def setRank(value: Int): this.type = set(rank, value)
    +  def setNumUserBlocks(value: Int): this.type = set(numUserBlocks, value)
    +  def setNumItemBlocks(value: Int): this.type = set(numItemBlocks, value)
    +  def setImplicitPrefs(value: Boolean): this.type = set(implicitPrefs, 
    +  def setAlpha(value: Double): this.type = set(alpha, value)
    +  def setUserCol(value: String): this.type = set(userCol, value)
    +  def setItemCol(value: String): this.type = set(itemCol, value)
    +  def setRatingCol(value: String): this.type = set(ratingCol, value)
    +  def setPredictionCol(value: String): this.type = set(predictionCol, 
    +  def setMaxIter(value: Int): this.type = set(maxIter, value)
    +  def setRegParam(value: Double): this.type = set(regParam, value)
    +  /** Sets both numUserBlocks and numItemBlocks to the specific value. */
    +  def setNumBlocks(value: Int): this.type = {
    +    setNumUserBlocks(value)
    +    setNumItemBlocks(value)
    +    this
    +  }
    +  setMaxIter(20)
    +  setRegParam(1.0)
    +  override def fit(dataset: SchemaRDD, paramMap: ParamMap): ALSModel = {
    +    import dataset.sqlContext._
    +    val map = this.paramMap ++ paramMap
    +    val ratings =
    +, map(itemCol).attr, 
Cast(map(ratingCol).attr, FloatType))
    +        .map { row =>
    +          new Rating(row.getInt(0), row.getInt(1), row.getFloat(2))
    +        }
    +    val (userFactors, itemFactors) = ALS.train(ratings, rank = map(rank),
    +      numUserBlocks = map(numUserBlocks), numItemBlocks = 
    +      maxIter = map(maxIter), regParam = map(regParam), implicitPrefs = 
    +      alpha = map(alpha))
    +    val model = new ALSModel(this, map, map(rank), userFactors, 
    +    Params.inheritValues(map, this, model)
    +    model
    +  }
    +  override private[ml] def transformSchema(schema: StructType, paramMap: 
ParamMap): StructType = {
    +    validateAndTransformSchema(schema, paramMap)
    +  }
    +private[recommendation] object ALS extends Logging {
    +  /** Rating class for better code readability. */
    +  private[recommendation] case class Rating(user: Int, item: Int, rating: 
    +  /** Cholesky solver for least square problems. */
    +  private[recommendation] class CholeskySolver {
    +    private val upper = "U"
    +    private val info = new intW(0)
    +    /**
    +     * Solves a least squares problem with L2 regularization:
    +     *
    +     *   min norm(A x - b)^2^ + lambda * n * norm(x)^2^
    +     *
    +     * @param ne a [[NormalEquation]] instance that contains AtA, Atb, and 
n (number of instances)
    +     * @param lambda regularization constant, which will be scaled by n
    +     * @return the solution x
    +     */
    +    def solve(ne: NormalEquation, lambda: Double): Array[Float] = {
    +      val k = ne.k
    +      // Add scaled lambda to the diagonals of AtA.
    +      val scaledlambda = lambda * ne.n
    +      var i = 0
    +      var j = 2
    +      while (i < ne.triK) {
    +        ne.ata(i) += scaledlambda
    +        i += j
    +        j += 1
    +      }
    +      lapack.dppsv(upper, k, 1, ne.ata, ne.atb, k, info)
    +      val code = info.`val`
    +      assert(code == 0, s"lapack.dppsv returned $code.")
    +      val x = new Array[Float](k)
    +      i = 0
    +      while (i < k) {
    +        x(i) = ne.atb(i).toFloat
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +      ne.reset()
    +      x
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /** Representing a normal equation (ALS' subproblem). */
    +  private[recommendation] class NormalEquation(val k: Int) extends 
Serializable {
    +    /** Number of entries in the upper triangular part of a k-by-k matrix. 
    +    val triK = k * (k + 1) / 2
    +    /** A^T^ * A */
    +    val ata = new Array[Double](triK)
    +    /** A^T^ * b */
    +    val atb = new Array[Double](k)
    +    /** Number of observations. */
    +    var n = 0
    +    private val da = new Array[Double](k)
    +    private val upper = "U"
    +    private def copyToDouble(a: Array[Float]): Unit = {
    +      var i = 0
    +      while (i < k) {
    +        da(i) = a(i)
    +        i += 1
    +      }
    +    }
    +    /** Adds an observation. */
    +    def add(a: Array[Float], b: Float): this.type = {
    +      require(a.size == k)
    +      copyToDouble(a)
    +      blas.dspr(upper, k, 1.0, da, 1, ata)
    +      blas.daxpy(k, b.toDouble, da, 1, atb, 1)
    +      n += 1
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /**
    +     * Adds an observation with implicit feedback. Note that this does not 
increment the counter.
    +     */
    +    def addImplicit(a: Array[Float], b: Float, alpha: Double): this.type = 
    +      require(a.size == k)
    +      val confidence = 1.0 + alpha * math.abs(b)
    +      copyToDouble(a)
    +      blas.dspr(upper, k, confidence - 1.0, da, 1, ata)
    +      if (b > 0) {
    +        blas.daxpy(k, confidence, da, 1, atb, 1)
    +      }
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /** Merges another normal equation object. */
    +    def merge(other: NormalEquation): this.type = {
    +      require(other.k == k)
    +      blas.daxpy(ata.size, 1.0, other.ata, 1, ata, 1)
    +      blas.daxpy(atb.size, 1.0, other.atb, 1, atb, 1)
    +      n += other.n
    +      this
    +    }
    +    /** Resets everything to zero, which should be called after each 
solve. */
    +    def reset(): Unit = {
    +      javaUtil.Arrays.fill(ata, 0.0)
    +      javaUtil.Arrays.fill(atb, 0.0)
    +      n = 0
    +    }
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Implementation of the ALS algorithm.
    +   */
    +  private def train(
    +      ratings: RDD[Rating],
    +      rank: Int = 10,
    +      numUserBlocks: Int = 10,
    +      numItemBlocks: Int = 10,
    +      maxIter: Int = 10,
    +      regParam: Double = 1.0,
    +      implicitPrefs: Boolean = false,
    +      alpha: Double = 1.0): (RDD[(Int, Array[Float])], RDD[(Int, 
Array[Float])]) = {
    +    val userPart = new HashPartitioner(numUserBlocks)
    +    val itemPart = new HashPartitioner(numItemBlocks)
    +    val userLocalIndexEncoder = new 
    +    val itemLocalIndexEncoder = new 
    +    val blockRatings = partitionRatings(ratings, userPart, 
    +    val (userInBlocks, userOutBlocks) = makeBlocks("user", blockRatings, 
userPart, itemPart)
    +    // materialize blockRatings and user blocks
    +    userOutBlocks.count()
    +    val swappedBlockRatings = {
    +      case ((userBlockId, itemBlockId), RatingBlock(userIds, itemIds, 
localRatings)) =>
    +        ((itemBlockId, userBlockId), RatingBlock(itemIds, userIds, 
    +    }
    +    val (itemInBlocks, itemOutBlocks) = makeBlocks("item", 
swappedBlockRatings, itemPart, userPart)
    +    // materialize item blocks
    +    itemOutBlocks.count()
    +    var userFactors = initialize(userInBlocks, rank)
    +    var itemFactors = initialize(itemInBlocks, rank)
    +    if (implicitPrefs) {
    +      for (iter <- 1 to maxIter) {
    +        userFactors.setName(s"userFactors-$iter").persist()
    +        val previousItemFactors = itemFactors
    +        itemFactors = computeFactors(userFactors, userOutBlocks, 
itemInBlocks, rank, regParam,
    +          userLocalIndexEncoder, implicitPrefs, alpha)
    +        previousItemFactors.unpersist()
    +        itemFactors.setName(s"itemFactors-$iter").persist()
    +        val previousUserFactors = userFactors
    +        userFactors = computeFactors(itemFactors, itemOutBlocks, 
userInBlocks, rank, regParam,
    +          itemLocalIndexEncoder, implicitPrefs, alpha)
    +        previousUserFactors.unpersist()
    +      }
    +    } else {
    +      for (iter <- 0 until maxIter) {
    +        itemFactors = computeFactors(userFactors, userOutBlocks, 
itemInBlocks, rank, regParam,
    +          userLocalIndexEncoder)
    +        userFactors = computeFactors(itemFactors, itemOutBlocks, 
userInBlocks, rank, regParam,
    +          itemLocalIndexEncoder)
    +      }
    +    }
    +    val userIdAndFactors = userInBlocks
    +      .mapValues(_.srcIds)
    +      .join(userFactors)
    +      .values
    +      .setName("userFactors")
    +      .cache()
    +    userIdAndFactors.count()
    +    itemFactors.unpersist()
    +    val itemIdAndFactors = itemInBlocks
    +      .mapValues(_.srcIds)
    +      .join(itemFactors)
    +      .values
    +      .setName("itemFactors")
    +      .cache()
    +    itemIdAndFactors.count()
    +    userInBlocks.unpersist()
    +    userOutBlocks.unpersist()
    +    itemInBlocks.unpersist()
    +    itemOutBlocks.unpersist()
    +    blockRatings.unpersist()
    +    val userOutput = userIdAndFactors.flatMap { case (ids, factors) =>
    +    }
    +    val itemOutput = itemIdAndFactors.flatMap { case (ids, factors) =>
    +    }
    +    (userOutput, itemOutput)
    +  }
    +  /**
    +   * Factor block that stores factors (Array[Float]) in an Array.
    +   */
    +  private type FactorBlock = Array[Array[Float]]
    +  /**
    +   * Out-link block that stores, for each dst (item/user) block, which src 
(user/item) factors to
    +   * send. For example, outLinkBlock(0) contains the local indices (not 
the original src IDs) of the
    +   * src factors in this block to send to dst block 0.
    +   */
    +  private type OutBlock = Array[Array[Int]]
    +  /**
    +   * In-link block for computing src (user/item) factors. This includes 
the original src IDs
    +   * of the elements within this block as well as encoded dst (item/user) 
indices and corresponding
    +   * ratings. The dst indices are in the form of (blockId, localIndex), 
which are not the original
    +   * dst IDs. To compute src factors, we expect receiving dst factors that 
match the dst indices.
    +   * For example, if we have an in-link record
    +   *
    +   * {srcId: 0, dstBlockId: 2, dstLocalIndex: 3, rating: 5.0},
    +   *
    +   * and assume that the dst factors are stored as dstFactors: Map[Int, 
Array[Array[Float]]], which
    +   * is a blockId to dst factors map, the corresponding dst factor of the 
record is dstFactor(2)(3).
    +   *
    +   * We use a CSC-like (compressed sparse column) format to store the 
in-link information. So we can
    +   * compute src factors one after another using only one normal equation 
    +   *
    +   * @param srcIds src ids (ordered)
    +   * @param dstPtrs dst pointers. Elements in range [dstPtrs(i), 
dstPtrs(i+1)) of dst indices and
    +   *                ratings are associated with srcIds(i).
    +   * @param dstEncodedIndices encoded dst indices
    +   * @param ratings ratings
    +   *
    +   * @see [[LocalIndexEncoder]]
    +   */
    +  private[recommendation] case class InBlock(
    +      srcIds: Array[Int],
    +      dstPtrs: Array[Int],
    +      dstEncodedIndices: Array[Int],
    +      ratings: Array[Float]) {
    +    /** Size of the block. */
    +    val size: Int = ratings.size
    +    require(dstEncodedIndices.size == size)
    --- End diff --
    can this and the previous line be merged?

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