Github user lianhuiwang commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
yarn/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/YarnAllocator.scala ---
    @@ -153,498 +154,241 @@ private[yarn] class YarnAllocator(
    -   * Allocate missing containers based on the number of executors 
currently pending and running.
    +   * Request resources such that, if YARN gives us all we ask for, we'll 
have a number of containers
    +   * equal to maxExecutors.
    +   *
    +   * Deal with any containers YARN has granted to us by possibly launching 
executors in them.
    -   * This method prioritizes the allocated container responses from the RM 
based on node and
    -   * rack locality. Additionally, it releases any extra containers 
allocated for this application
    -   * but are not needed. This must be synchronized because variables read 
in this block are
    -   * mutated by other methods.
    +   * This must be synchronized because variables read in this method are 
mutated by other methods.
       def allocateResources(): Unit = synchronized {
    -    val missing = maxExecutors - numPendingAllocate.get() - 
    +    val numPendingAllocate = getNumPendingAllocate
    +    val missing = maxExecutors - numPendingAllocate - numExecutorsRunning
         if (missing > 0) {
    -      val totalExecutorMemory = executorMemory + memoryOverhead
    -      numPendingAllocate.addAndGet(missing)
    -      logInfo(s"Will allocate $missing executor containers, each with 
$totalExecutorMemory MB " +
    +      logInfo(s"Will request $missing executor containers, each with 
${resource.getMemory} MB " +
             s"memory including $memoryOverhead MB overhead")
    -    } else {
    -      logDebug("Empty allocation request ...")
    -    val allocateResponse = allocateContainers(missing)
    +    addResourceRequests(missing)
    +    val progressIndicator = 0.1f
    +    // Poll the ResourceManager. This doubles as a heartbeat if there are 
no pending container
    +    // requests.
    +    val allocateResponse = amClient.allocate(progressIndicator)
         val allocatedContainers = allocateResponse.getAllocatedContainers()
         if (allocatedContainers.size > 0) {
    -      var numPendingAllocateNow = numPendingAllocate.addAndGet(-1 * 
    -      if (numPendingAllocateNow < 0) {
    -        numPendingAllocateNow = numPendingAllocate.addAndGet(-1 * 
    -      }
    -      logDebug("""
    -        Allocated containers: %d
    -        Current executor count: %d
    -        Containers released: %s
    -        Cluster resources: %s
    -        """.format(
    +      logDebug("Allocated containers: %d. Current executor count: %d. 
Cluster resources: %s."
    +        .format(
    -          numExecutorsRunning.get(),
    -          releasedContainers,
    +          numExecutorsRunning,
    -      val hostToContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
    -      for (container <- allocatedContainers) {
    -        if (isResourceConstraintSatisfied(container)) {
    -          // Add the accepted `container` to the host's list of already 
    -          // allocated containers
    -          val host = container.getNodeId.getHost
    -          val containersForHost = hostToContainers.getOrElseUpdate(host,
    -            new ArrayBuffer[Container]())
    -          containersForHost += container
    -        } else {
    -          // Release container, since it doesn't satisfy resource 
    -          internalReleaseContainer(container)
    -        }
    -      }
    -       // Find the appropriate containers to use.
    -      // TODO: Cleanup this group-by...
    -      val dataLocalContainers = new HashMap[String, 
    -      val rackLocalContainers = new HashMap[String, 
    -      val offRackContainers = new HashMap[String, ArrayBuffer[Container]]()
    -      for (candidateHost <- hostToContainers.keySet) {
    -        val maxExpectedHostCount = 
preferredHostToCount.getOrElse(candidateHost, 0)
    -        val requiredHostCount = maxExpectedHostCount - 
    -        val remainingContainersOpt = hostToContainers.get(candidateHost)
    -        assert(remainingContainersOpt.isDefined)
    -        var remainingContainers = remainingContainersOpt.get
    -        if (requiredHostCount >= remainingContainers.size) {
    -          // Since we have <= required containers, add all remaining 
containers to
    -          // `dataLocalContainers`.
    -          dataLocalContainers.put(candidateHost, remainingContainers)
    -          // There are no more free containers remaining.
    -          remainingContainers = null
    -        } else if (requiredHostCount > 0) {
    -          // Container list has more containers than we need for data 
    -          // Split the list into two: one based on the data local 
container count,
    -          // (`remainingContainers.size` - `requiredHostCount`), and the 
other to hold remaining
    -          // containers.
    -          val (dataLocal, remaining) = remainingContainers.splitAt(
    -            remainingContainers.size - requiredHostCount)
    -          dataLocalContainers.put(candidateHost, dataLocal)
    -          // Invariant: remainingContainers == remaining
    -          // YARN has a nasty habit of allocating a ton of containers on a 
host - discourage this.
    -          // Add each container in `remaining` to list of containers to 
release. If we have an
    -          // insufficient number of containers, then the next allocation 
cycle will reallocate
    -          // (but won't treat it as data local).
    -          // TODO(harvey): Rephrase this comment some more.
    -          for (container <- remaining) internalReleaseContainer(container)
    -          remainingContainers = null
    -        }
    -        // For rack local containers
    -        if (remainingContainers != null) {
    -          val rack = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.lookupRack(conf, candidateHost)
    -          if (rack != null) {
    -            val maxExpectedRackCount = 
preferredRackToCount.getOrElse(rack, 0)
    -            val requiredRackCount = maxExpectedRackCount - 
allocatedContainersOnRack(rack) -
    -              rackLocalContainers.getOrElse(rack, List()).size
    -            if (requiredRackCount >= remainingContainers.size) {
    -              // Add all remaining containers to to `dataLocalContainers`.
    -              dataLocalContainers.put(rack, remainingContainers)
    -              remainingContainers = null
    -            } else if (requiredRackCount > 0) {
    -              // Container list has more containers that we need for data 
    -              // Split the list into two: one based on the data local 
container count,
    -              // (`remainingContainers.size` - `requiredHostCount`), and 
the other to hold remaining
    -              // containers.
    -              val (rackLocal, remaining) = remainingContainers.splitAt(
    -                remainingContainers.size - requiredRackCount)
    -              val existingRackLocal = 
    -                new ArrayBuffer[Container]())
    -              existingRackLocal ++= rackLocal
    -              remainingContainers = remaining
    -            }
    -          }
    -        }
    -        if (remainingContainers != null) {
    -          // Not all containers have been consumed - add them to the list 
of off-rack containers.
    -          offRackContainers.put(candidateHost, remainingContainers)
    -        }
    -      }
    -      // Now that we have split the containers into various groups, go 
through them in order:
    -      // first host-local, then rack-local, and finally off-rack.
    -      // Note that the list we create below tries to ensure that not all 
containers end up within
    -      // a host if there is a sufficiently large number of 
    -      val allocatedContainersToProcess = new 
    -      allocatedContainersToProcess ++= 
    -      allocatedContainersToProcess ++= 
    -      allocatedContainersToProcess ++= 
    -      // Run each of the allocated containers.
    -      for (container <- allocatedContainersToProcess) {
    -        val numExecutorsRunningNow = numExecutorsRunning.incrementAndGet()
    -        val executorHostname = container.getNodeId.getHost
    -        val containerId = container.getId
    -        val executorMemoryOverhead = (executorMemory + memoryOverhead)
    -        assert(container.getResource.getMemory >= executorMemoryOverhead)
    -        if (numExecutorsRunningNow > maxExecutors) {
    -          logInfo("""Ignoring container %s at host %s, since we already 
have the required number of
    -            containers for it.""".format(containerId, executorHostname))
    -          internalReleaseContainer(container)
    -          numExecutorsRunning.decrementAndGet()
    -        } else {
    -          val executorId = executorIdCounter.incrementAndGet().toString
    -          val driverUrl = "akka.tcp://%s@%s:%s/user/%s".format(
    -            SparkEnv.driverActorSystemName,
    -            sparkConf.get(""),
    -            sparkConf.get("spark.driver.port"),
    -            CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME)
    -          logInfo("Launching container %s for on host 
%s".format(containerId, executorHostname))
    -          executorIdToContainer(executorId) = container
    -          // To be safe, remove the container from `releasedContainers`.
    -          releasedContainers.remove(containerId)
    -          val rack = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.lookupRack(conf, executorHostname)
    -          allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
    -            val containerSet = 
    -              new HashSet[ContainerId]())
    -            containerSet += containerId
    -            allocatedContainerToHostMap.put(containerId, executorHostname)
    -            if (rack != null) {
    -              allocatedRackCount.put(rack, 
allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0) + 1)
    -            }
    -          }
    -          logInfo("Launching ExecutorRunnable. driverUrl: %s,  
executorHostname: %s".format(
    -            driverUrl, executorHostname))
    -          val executorRunnable = new ExecutorRunnable(
    -            container,
    -            conf,
    -            sparkConf,
    -            driverUrl,
    -            executorId,
    -            executorHostname,
    -            executorMemory,
    -            executorCores,
    -            appAttemptId.getApplicationId.toString,
    -            securityMgr)
    -          launcherPool.execute(executorRunnable)
    -        }
    -      }
    -      logDebug("""
    -        Finished allocating %s containers (from %s originally).
    -        Current number of executors running: %d,
    -        Released containers: %s
    -        """.format(
    -          allocatedContainersToProcess,
    -          allocatedContainers,
    -          numExecutorsRunning.get(),
    -          releasedContainers))
    +      handleAllocatedContainers(allocatedContainers)
         val completedContainers = 
         if (completedContainers.size > 0) {
           logDebug("Completed %d containers".format(completedContainers.size))
    -      for (completedContainer <- completedContainers) {
    -        val containerId = completedContainer.getContainerId
    -        if (releasedContainers.containsKey(containerId)) {
    -          // Already marked the container for release, so remove it from
    -          // `releasedContainers`.
    -          releasedContainers.remove(containerId)
    -        } else {
    -          // Decrement the number of executors running. The next iteration 
    -          // the ApplicationMaster's reporting thread will take care of 
    -          numExecutorsRunning.decrementAndGet()
    -          logInfo("Completed container %s (state: %s, exit status: 
    -            containerId,
    -            completedContainer.getState,
    -            completedContainer.getExitStatus))
    -          // Hadoop 2.2.X added a ContainerExitStatus we should switch to 
    -          // there are some exit status' we shouldn't necessarily count 
against us, but for
    -          // now I think its ok as none of the containers are expected to 
    -          if (completedContainer.getExitStatus == -103) { // vmem limit 
    -            logWarning(memLimitExceededLogMessage(
    -              completedContainer.getDiagnostics,
    -              VMEM_EXCEEDED_PATTERN))
    -          } else if (completedContainer.getExitStatus == -104) { // pmem 
limit exceeded
    -            logWarning(memLimitExceededLogMessage(
    -              completedContainer.getDiagnostics,
    -              PMEM_EXCEEDED_PATTERN))
    -          } else if (completedContainer.getExitStatus != 0) {
    -            logInfo("Container marked as failed: " + containerId +
    -              ". Exit status: " + completedContainer.getExitStatus +
    -              ". Diagnostics: " + completedContainer.getDiagnostics)
    -            numExecutorsFailed.incrementAndGet()
    -          }
    -        }
    +      processCompletedContainers(completedContainers)
    -        allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
    -          if (allocatedContainerToHostMap.containsKey(containerId)) {
    -            val hostOpt = allocatedContainerToHostMap.get(containerId)
    -            assert(hostOpt.isDefined)
    -            val host = hostOpt.get
    -            val containerSetOpt = allocatedHostToContainersMap.get(host)
    -            assert(containerSetOpt.isDefined)
    -            val containerSet = containerSetOpt.get
    -            containerSet.remove(containerId)
    -            if (containerSet.isEmpty) {
    -              allocatedHostToContainersMap.remove(host)
    -            } else {
    -              allocatedHostToContainersMap.update(host, containerSet)
    -            }
    -            allocatedContainerToHostMap.remove(containerId)
    -            // TODO: Move this part outside the synchronized block?
    -            val rack = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.lookupRack(conf, host)
    -            if (rack != null) {
    -              val rackCount = allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0) - 1
    -              if (rackCount > 0) {
    -                allocatedRackCount.put(rack, rackCount)
    -              } else {
    -                allocatedRackCount.remove(rack)
    -              }
    -            }
    -          }
    -        }
    -      }
    -      logDebug("""
    -        Finished processing %d completed containers.
    -        Current number of executors running: %d,
    -        Released containers: %s
    -        """.format(
    -          completedContainers.size,
    -          numExecutorsRunning.get(),
    -          releasedContainers))
    +      logDebug("Finished processing %d completed containers. Current 
running executor count: %d."
    +        .format(completedContainers.size, numExecutorsRunning))
    -  private def allocatedContainersOnHost(host: String): Int = {
    -    allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
    -     allocatedHostToContainersMap.getOrElse(host, Set()).size
    +  /**
    +   * Request numExecutors additional containers from YARN. Visible for 
    +   */
    +  def addResourceRequests(numExecutors: Int): Unit = {
    +    val containerRequests = new ArrayBuffer[ContainerRequest]
    +    for (i <- 0 until numExecutors) {
    +      containerRequests += new ContainerRequest(resource, null, null, 
    -  }
    -  private def allocatedContainersOnRack(rack: String): Int = {
    -    allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
    -      allocatedRackCount.getOrElse(rack, 0)
    +    for (request <- containerRequests) {
    +      amClient.addContainerRequest(request)
    -  }
    -  private def isResourceConstraintSatisfied(container: Container): Boolean 
= {
    -    container.getResource.getMemory >= (executorMemory + memoryOverhead)
    +    for (request <- containerRequests) {
    +      val nodes = request.getNodes
    +      val hostStr = if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty) "Any" else 
    +      logInfo("Container request (host: %s, capability: 
%s".format(hostStr, resource))
    +    }
    -  // A simple method to copy the split info map.
    -  private def generateNodeToWeight(
    -      conf: Configuration,
    -      input: collection.Map[String, collection.Set[SplitInfo]])
    -    : (Map[String, Int], Map[String, Int]) = {
    -    if (input == null) {
    -      return (Map[String, Int](), Map[String, Int]())
    +  /**
    +   * Handle containers granted by the RM by launching executors on them.
    +   *
    +   * Due to the way the YARN allocation protocol works, certain healthy 
race conditions can result
    +   * in YARN granting containers that we no longer need. In this case, we 
release them.
    +   *
    +   * Visible for testing.
    +   */
    +  def handleAllocatedContainers(allocatedContainers: Seq[Container]): Unit 
= {
    +    val containersToUse = new 
    +    // Match incoming requests by host
    +    val remainingAfterHostMatches = new ArrayBuffer[Container]
    +    for (allocatedContainer <- allocatedContainers) {
    +      matchContainerToRequest(allocatedContainer, 
    +        containersToUse, remainingAfterHostMatches)
    -    val hostToCount = new HashMap[String, Int]
    -    val rackToCount = new HashMap[String, Int]
    +    // Match remaining by rack
    +    val remainingAfterRackMatches = new ArrayBuffer[Container]
    +    for (allocatedContainer <- remainingAfterHostMatches) {
    +      val rack = RackResolver.resolve(conf, 
    +      matchContainerToRequest(allocatedContainer, rack, containersToUse,
    +        remainingAfterRackMatches)
    +    }
    -    for ((host, splits) <- input) {
    -      val hostCount = hostToCount.getOrElse(host, 0)
    -      hostToCount.put(host, hostCount + splits.size)
    +    // Assign remaining that are neither node-local nor rack-local
    +    val remainingAfterOffRackMatches = new ArrayBuffer[Container]
    +    for (allocatedContainer <- remainingAfterRackMatches) {
    +      matchContainerToRequest(allocatedContainer, ANY_HOST, 
    +        remainingAfterOffRackMatches)
    +    }
    -      val rack = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.lookupRack(conf, host)
    -      if (rack != null) {
    -        val rackCount = rackToCount.getOrElse(host, 0)
    -        rackToCount.put(host, rackCount + splits.size)
    +    if (!remainingAfterOffRackMatches.isEmpty) {
    +      for (container <- remainingAfterOffRackMatches) {
    +        internalReleaseContainer(container)
    -    (hostToCount.toMap, rackToCount.toMap)
    -  }
    +    runAllocatedContainers(containersToUse)
    -  private def internalReleaseContainer(container: Container): Unit = {
    -    releasedContainers.put(container.getId(), true)
    -    amClient.releaseAssignedContainer(container.getId())
    +    logInfo("Received %d containers from YARN, launching executors on %d."
    +      .format(allocatedContainers.size, containersToUse.size))
    -   * Called to allocate containers in the cluster.
    +   * Looks for requests for the given location that match the given 
container allocation. If it
    +   * finds one, removes the request so that it won't be submitted again. 
Places the container into
    +   * containersToUse or remaining.
    -   * @param count Number of containers to allocate.
    -   *              If zero, should still contact RM (as a heartbeat).
    -   * @return Response to the allocation request.
    +   * @param containersToUse list of containers that will be used
    +   * @param remaining list of containers that will not be used
    -  private def allocateContainers(count: Int): AllocateResponse = {
    -    addResourceRequests(count)
    -    // We have already set the container request. Poll the ResourceManager 
for a response.
    -    // This doubles as a heartbeat if there are no pending container 
    -    val progressIndicator = 0.1f
    -    amClient.allocate(progressIndicator)
    +  private def matchContainerToRequest(
    +      allocatedContainer: Container,
    +      location: String,
    +      containersToUse: ArrayBuffer[Container],
    +      remaining: ArrayBuffer[Container]): Unit = {
    +    val matchingRequests = 
amClient.getMatchingRequests(allocatedContainer.getPriority, location,
    +      allocatedContainer.getResource)
    +    // Match the allocation to a request
    +    if (!matchingRequests.isEmpty) {
    +      val containerRequest = matchingRequests.get(0)
    +      amClient.removeContainerRequest(containerRequest)
    +      containersToUse += allocatedContainer
    +    } else {
    +      remaining += allocatedContainer
    +    }
    -  private def createRackResourceRequests(hostContainers: 
    -    : ArrayBuffer[ContainerRequest] = {
    -    // Generate modified racks and new set of hosts under it before 
issuing requests.
    -    val rackToCounts = new HashMap[String, Int]()
    +  /**
    +   * Launches executors in the allocated containers.
    +   */
    +  private def runAllocatedContainers(containersToUse: 
ArrayBuffer[Container]): Unit = {
    +    for (container <- containersToUse) {
    +      numExecutorsRunning += 1
    +      assert(numExecutorsRunning <= maxExecutors)
    +      val executorHostname = container.getNodeId.getHost
    +      val containerId = container.getId
    +      executorIdCounter += 1
    +      val executorId = executorIdCounter.toString
    +      assert(container.getResource.getMemory >= resource.getMemory)
    +      logInfo("Launching container %s for on host %s".format(containerId, 
    -    for (container <- hostContainers) {
    -      val candidateHost = container.getNodes.last
    -      assert(YarnSparkHadoopUtil.ANY_HOST != candidateHost)
    +      allocatedHostToContainersMap.synchronized {
    +        val containerSet = 
    +          new HashSet[ContainerId])
    -      val rack = YarnSparkHadoopUtil.lookupRack(conf, candidateHost)
    -      if (rack != null) {
    -        var count = rackToCounts.getOrElse(rack, 0)
    -        count += 1
    -        rackToCounts.put(rack, count)
    +        containerSet += containerId
    +        allocatedContainerToHostMap.put(containerId, executorHostname)
    -    }
    -    val requestedContainers = new 
    -    for ((rack, count) <- rackToCounts) {
    -      requestedContainers ++= createResourceRequests(
    -        AllocationType.RACK,
    -        rack,
    -        count,
    +      val executorRunnable = new ExecutorRunnable(
    +        container,
    +        conf,
    +        sparkConf,
    +        driverUrl,
    +        executorId,
    +        executorHostname,
    +        executorMemory,
    +        executorCores,
    +        appAttemptId.getApplicationId.toString,
    +        securityMgr)
    +      if (launchContainers) {
    +        logInfo("Launching ExecutorRunnable. driverUrl: %s,  
executorHostname: %s".format(
    +          driverUrl, executorHostname))
    +        launcherPool.execute(executorRunnable)
    +      }
    -    requestedContainers
    -  private def addResourceRequests(numExecutors: Int): Unit = {
    -    val containerRequests: List[ContainerRequest] =
    -      if (numExecutors <= 0) {
    -        logDebug("numExecutors: " + numExecutors)
    -        List()
    -      } else if (preferredHostToCount.isEmpty) {
    -        logDebug("host preferences is empty")
    -        createResourceRequests(
    -          AllocationType.ANY,
    -          resource = null,
    -          numExecutors,
    -          RM_REQUEST_PRIORITY).toList
    +  private def processCompletedContainers(completedContainers: 
Seq[ContainerStatus]): Unit = {
    +    for (completedContainer <- completedContainers) {
    +      val containerId = completedContainer.getContainerId
    +      if (releasedContainers.contains(containerId)) {
    +        // Already marked the container for release, so remove it from
    +        // `releasedContainers`.
    +        releasedContainers.remove(containerId)
           } else {
    -        // Request for all hosts in preferred nodes and for numExecutors -
    -        // candidates.size, request by default allocation policy.
    -        val hostContainerRequests = new 
    -        for ((candidateHost, candidateCount) <- preferredHostToCount) {
    -          val requiredCount = candidateCount - 
    -          if (requiredCount > 0) {
    -            hostContainerRequests ++= createResourceRequests(
    -              AllocationType.HOST,
    -              candidateHost,
    -              requiredCount,
    -              RM_REQUEST_PRIORITY)
    -          }
    +        // Decrement the number of executors running. The next iteration of
    +        // the ApplicationMaster's reporting thread will take care of 
    +        numExecutorsRunning -= 1
    --- End diff --
    so i think we should rename maxExecutors to maxRequestExecutors that can be 
better to represent its meaning.

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