HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #25670: [SPARK-28869][CORE] 
Roll over event log files
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/25670#discussion_r328401321

 File path: 
 @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.deploy.history
+import java.io._
+import java.net.URI
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
+import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.CountingOutputStream
+import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, FileSystem, FSDataOutputStream, Path}
+import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission
+import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
+import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
+import org.apache.spark.io.CompressionCodec
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+ * The base class of writer which will write event logs into file.
+ *
+ * The following configurable parameters are available to tune the behavior of 
+ *   spark.eventLog.compress - Whether to compress logged events
+ *   spark.eventLog.compression.codec - The codec to compress logged events
+ *   spark.eventLog.overwrite - Whether to overwrite any existing files
+ *   spark.eventLog.buffer.kb - Buffer size to use when writing to output 
+ *
+ * Note that descendant classes can maintain its own parameters: refer the 
javadoc of each class
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * NOTE: CountingOutputStream being returned by "initLogFile" counts 
"non-compressed" bytes.
+ */
+abstract class EventLogFileWriter(
+    appId: String,
+    appAttemptId : Option[String],
+    logBaseDir: URI,
+    sparkConf: SparkConf,
+    hadoopConf: Configuration) extends Logging {
+  protected val shouldCompress = sparkConf.get(EVENT_LOG_COMPRESS)
+  protected val shouldOverwrite = sparkConf.get(EVENT_LOG_OVERWRITE)
+  protected val shouldAllowECLogs = sparkConf.get(EVENT_LOG_ALLOW_EC)
+  protected val outputBufferSize = 
+  protected val fileSystem = Utils.getHadoopFileSystem(logBaseDir, hadoopConf)
+  protected val compressionCodec =
+    if (shouldCompress) {
+      Some(CompressionCodec.createCodec(sparkConf, 
+    } else {
+      None
+    }
+  private[history] val compressionCodecName = compressionCodec.map { c =>
+    CompressionCodec.getShortName(c.getClass.getName)
+  }
+  // Only defined if the file system scheme is not local
+  protected var hadoopDataStream: Option[FSDataOutputStream] = None
+  protected var writer: Option[PrintWriter] = None
+  protected def requireLogBaseDirAsDirectory(): Unit = {
+    if (!fileSystem.getFileStatus(new Path(logBaseDir)).isDirectory) {
+      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Log directory $logBaseDir is not a 
+    }
+  }
+  protected def initLogFile(path: Path, fnSetupWriter: OutputStream => 
PrintWriter): Unit = {
+    if (shouldOverwrite && fileSystem.delete(path, true)) {
+      logWarning(s"Event log $path already exists. Overwriting...")
+    }
+    val defaultFs = FileSystem.getDefaultUri(hadoopConf).getScheme
+    val isDefaultLocal = defaultFs == null || defaultFs == "file"
+    val uri = path.toUri
+    /* The Hadoop LocalFileSystem (r1.0.4) has known issues with syncing 
+     * Therefore, for local files, use FileOutputStream instead. */
+    val dstream =
+      if ((isDefaultLocal && uri.getScheme == null) || uri.getScheme == 
"file") {
+        new FileOutputStream(uri.getPath)
+      } else {
+        hadoopDataStream = Some(
+          SparkHadoopUtil.createFile(fileSystem, path, 
+        hadoopDataStream.get
+      }
+    try {
+      val cstream = 
+      val bstream = new BufferedOutputStream(cstream, outputBufferSize)
+      fileSystem.setPermission(path, EventLogFileWriter.LOG_FILE_PERMISSIONS)
+      logInfo(s"Logging events to $path")
+      writer = Some(fnSetupWriter(bstream))
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        dstream.close()
+        throw e
+    }
+  }
+  protected def writeJson(json: String, flushLogger: Boolean = false): Unit = {
+    // scalastyle:off println
+    writer.foreach(_.println(json))
+    // scalastyle:on println
+    if (flushLogger) {
+      writer.foreach(_.flush())
+      hadoopDataStream.foreach(_.hflush())
+    }
+  }
+  protected def closeWriter(): Unit = {
+    writer.foreach(_.close())
+  }
+  protected def renameFile(src: Path, dest: Path, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = {
+    if (fileSystem.exists(dest)) {
+      if (overwrite) {
+        logWarning(s"Event log $dest already exists. Overwriting...")
+        if (!fileSystem.delete(dest, true)) {
+          logWarning(s"Error deleting $dest")
+        }
+      } else {
+        throw new IOException(s"Target log file already exists ($dest)")
+      }
+    }
+    fileSystem.rename(src, dest)
+    // touch file to ensure modtime is current across those filesystems where 
+    // does not set it, -and which support setTimes(); it's a no-op on most 
object stores
+    try {
+      fileSystem.setTimes(dest, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception => logDebug(s"failed to set time of $dest", e)
+    }
+  }
+  /** initialize writer for event logging */
+  def start(): Unit
+  /** writes JSON format of event to file */
+  def writeEvent(eventJson: String, flushLogger: Boolean = false): Unit
+  /** stops writer - indicating the application has been completed */
+  def stop(): Unit
+  /** returns representative path of log */
+  def logPath: String
+object EventLogFileWriter {
+  // Suffix applied to the names of files still being written by applications.
+  val IN_PROGRESS = ".inprogress"
+  val LOG_FILE_PERMISSIONS = new FsPermission(Integer.parseInt("770", 
+  def apply(
+      appId: String,
+      appAttemptId: Option[String],
+      logBaseDir: URI,
+      sparkConf: SparkConf,
+      hadoopConf: Configuration): EventLogFileWriter = {
+    if (sparkConf.get(EVENT_LOG_ENABLE_ROLLING)) {
+      new RollingEventLogFilesWriter(appId, appAttemptId, logBaseDir, 
sparkConf, hadoopConf)
+    } else {
+      new SingleEventLogFileWriter(appId, appAttemptId, logBaseDir, sparkConf, 
+    }
+  }
+  def nameForAppAndAttempt(appId: String, appAttemptId: Option[String]): 
String = {
+    val base = Utils.sanitizeDirName(appId)
+    if (appAttemptId.isDefined) {
+      base + "_" + Utils.sanitizeDirName(appAttemptId.get)
+    } else {
+      base
+    }
+  }
+  def codecName(log: Path): Option[String] = {
+    // Compression codec is encoded as an extension, e.g. app_123.lzf
+    // Since we sanitize the app ID to not include periods, it is safe to 
split on it
+    val logName = log.getName.stripSuffix(IN_PROGRESS)
+    logName.split("\\.").tail.lastOption
+  }
+ * The writer to write event logs into single file.
+ */
+class SingleEventLogFileWriter(
+    appId: String,
+    appAttemptId : Option[String],
+    logBaseDir: URI,
+    sparkConf: SparkConf,
+    hadoopConf: Configuration)
+  extends EventLogFileWriter(appId, appAttemptId, logBaseDir, sparkConf, 
hadoopConf) {
+  override val logPath: String = 
SingleEventLogFileWriter.getLogPath(logBaseDir, appId,
+    appAttemptId, compressionCodecName)
+  private val inProgressPath = logPath + EventLogFileWriter.IN_PROGRESS
+  override def start(): Unit = {
+    requireLogBaseDirAsDirectory()
+    initLogFile(new Path(inProgressPath),
+      ostream => new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(ostream, 
+  }
+  override def writeEvent(eventJson: String, flushLogger: Boolean = false): 
Unit = {
+    writeJson(eventJson, flushLogger)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Stop logging events. The event log file will be renamed so that it loses 
+   * ".inprogress" suffix.
+   */
+  override def stop(): Unit = {
+    closeWriter()
+    renameFile(new Path(inProgressPath), new Path(logPath), shouldOverwrite)
+  }
+object SingleEventLogFileWriter {
+  /**
+   * Return a file-system-safe path to the log file for the given application.
+   *
+   * Note that because we currently only create a single log file for each 
+   * we must encode all the information needed to parse this event log in the 
file name
+   * instead of within the file itself. Otherwise, if the file is compressed, 
for instance,
+   * we won't know which codec to use to decompress the metadata needed to 
open the file in
+   * the first place.
+   *
+   * The log file name will identify the compression codec used for the 
contents, if any.
+   * For example, app_123 for an uncompressed log, app_123.lzf for an 
LZF-compressed log.
+   *
+   * @param logBaseDir Directory where the log file will be written.
+   * @param appId A unique app ID.
+   * @param appAttemptId A unique attempt id of appId. May be the empty string.
+   * @param compressionCodecName Name to identify the codec used to compress 
the contents
+   *                             of the log, or None if compression is not 
+   * @return A path which consists of file-system-safe characters.
+   */
+  def getLogPath(
+      logBaseDir: URI,
+      appId: String,
+      appAttemptId: Option[String],
+      compressionCodecName: Option[String] = None): String = {
+    val codec = compressionCodecName.map("." + _).getOrElse("")
+    new Path(logBaseDir).toString.stripSuffix("/") + "/" +
+      EventLogFileWriter.nameForAppAndAttempt(appId, appAttemptId) + codec
+  }
+ * The writer to write event logs into multiple log files, rolled over via 
configured size.
+ *
+ * The class creates one directory per application, and stores event log files 
as well as
+ * metadata files. The name of directory and files in the directory would 
+ *
+ * - The name of directory: eventlog_v2_appId(_[appAttemptId])
+ * - The prefix of name on event files: 
+ *   - "index" would be monotonically increasing value (say, sequence)
+ * - The name of metadata (app. status) file name: 
+ *
+ * The writer will roll over the event log file when configured size is 
reached. Note that the
+ * writer doesn't check the size on file being open for write: the writer 
tracks the count of bytes
+ * written before compression is applied.
+ *
+ * For metadata files, the class will leverage zero-byte file, as it provides 
minimized cost.
+ */
+class RollingEventLogFilesWriter(
+    appId: String,
+    appAttemptId : Option[String],
+    logBaseDir: URI,
+    sparkConf: SparkConf,
+    hadoopConf: Configuration)
+  extends EventLogFileWriter(appId, appAttemptId, logBaseDir, sparkConf, 
hadoopConf) {
+  import RollingEventLogFilesWriter._
+  private val eventFileMaxLengthKiB = 
+  private val logDirForAppPath = getAppEventLogDirPath(logBaseDir, appId, 
+  private var countingOutputStream: Option[CountingOutputStream] = None
+  // seq and event log path will be updated soon in rollEventLogFile, which 
`start` will call
+  private var index: Long = 0L
+  private var currentEventLogFilePath: Path = _
+  override def start(): Unit = {
+    requireLogBaseDirAsDirectory()
+    if (fileSystem.exists(logDirForAppPath) && shouldOverwrite) {
+      fileSystem.delete(logDirForAppPath, true)
+    }
+    if (fileSystem.exists(logDirForAppPath)) {
+      throw new IOException(s"Target log directory already exists 
+    }
+    fileSystem.mkdirs(logDirForAppPath, 
+    createAppStatusFile(inProgress = true)
+    rollEventLogFile()
+  }
+  override def writeEvent(eventJson: String, flushLogger: Boolean = false): 
Unit = {
+    writer.foreach { w =>
+      val currentLen = countingOutputStream.get.getBytesWritten
+      if (currentLen + eventJson.length > eventFileMaxLengthKiB * 1024) {
+        rollEventLogFile()
+      }
+    }
+    writeJson(eventJson, flushLogger)
+  }
+  private def rollEventLogFile(): Unit = {
+    closeWriter()
+    index += 1
+    currentEventLogFilePath = getEventLogFilePath(logDirForAppPath, appId, 
appAttemptId, index,
+      compressionCodecName)
+    initLogFile(currentEventLogFilePath, ostream => {
+      countingOutputStream = Some(new CountingOutputStream(ostream))
+      new PrintWriter(
+        new OutputStreamWriter(countingOutputStream.get, 
+    })
+  }
+  override def stop(): Unit = {
+    closeWriter()
+    val appStatusPathIncomplete = getAppStatusFilePath(logDirForAppPath, 
appId, appAttemptId,
+      inProgress = true)
+    val appStatusPathComplete = getAppStatusFilePath(logDirForAppPath, appId, 
+      inProgress = false)
+    renameFile(appStatusPathIncomplete, appStatusPathComplete, overwrite = 
+  }
+  override def logPath: String = logDirForAppPath.toString
+  private def createAppStatusFile(inProgress: Boolean): Unit = {
+    val appStatusPath = getAppStatusFilePath(logDirForAppPath, appId, 
appAttemptId, inProgress)
+    val outputStream = fileSystem.create(appStatusPath)
+    // we intentionally create zero-byte file to minimize the cost
+    outputStream.close()
+  }
+object RollingEventLogFilesWriter {
+  private val EVENT_LOG_DIR_NAME_PREFIX = "eventlog_v2_"
+  private val EVENT_LOG_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "events_"
+  private val APPSTATUS_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "appstatus_"
+  def getAppEventLogDirPath(logBaseDir: URI, appId: String, appAttemptId: 
Option[String]): Path =
+    new Path(new Path(logBaseDir), EVENT_LOG_DIR_NAME_PREFIX +
+      EventLogFileWriter.nameForAppAndAttempt(appId, appAttemptId))
+  def getAppStatusFilePath(
+      appLogDir: Path,
+      appId: String,
+      appAttemptId: Option[String],
+      inProgress: Boolean): Path = {
+      EventLogFileWriter.nameForAppAndAttempt(appId, appAttemptId)
+    val name = if (inProgress) base + EventLogFileWriter.IN_PROGRESS else base
+    new Path(appLogDir, name)
+  }
+  def getEventLogFilePath(
+      appLogDir: Path,
+      appId: String,
+      appAttemptId: Option[String],
+      index: Long,
+      codecName: Option[String]): Path = {
+    val base = s"${EVENT_LOG_FILE_NAME_PREFIX}${index}_" +
+      EventLogFileWriter.nameForAppAndAttempt(appId, appAttemptId)
+    val codec = codecName.map("." + _).getOrElse("")
+    new Path(appLogDir, base + codec)
+  }
+  def isEventLogDir(status: FileStatus): Boolean = {
+    status.isDirectory && 
+  }
+  def isEventLogFile(status: FileStatus): Boolean = {
+    status.isFile && isEventLogFile(status.getPath)
+  }
+  def isEventLogFile(path: Path): Boolean = {
 Review comment:
   OK I see what you mean. Will consolidate methods into one.

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