dlindelof commented on issue #26747: [SPARK-29188][PYTHON] toPandas (without Arrow) gets wrong dtypes when applied on empty DF URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/26747#issuecomment-561519797 @srowen This illustrates the current behaviour, where an empty Spark Dataframe with a column of type `LongType` becomes a Pandas Dataframe with a column of type `object`, i.e. string: ``` In [62]: foo = spark.sql("SELECT CAST(1 AS LONG) AS bar WHERE 1 = 0") In [63]: foo Out[63]: DataFrame[bar: bigint] In [64]: foo.toPandas().dtypes Out[64]: bar object dtype: object ``` When the dataframe is not empty, this is what you see: ``` In [65]: foo = spark.sql("SELECT CAST(1 AS LONG) AS bar WHERE 1 = 1") In [66]: foo.toPandas().dtypes Out[66]: bar int64 dtype: object ```
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