On Fri, Jul 18, 2003 at 09:38:03PM +0200, Michael Redinger told me:
> "4. REPORTING AND AUDIT. If Customer wishes to increase the number of
>  Installed System, then Customer will purchase from Red Hat additional
>  Services for each additional Installed System. During the term of this
>  Agreement and for one (1) year thereafter, Customer expressly grants to
>  Red Hat the right to audit Customer's facilities and records from time to
>  time in order to verify Customer's compliance with the terms and
>  conditions of this Agreement."

Wait, does this say that you are allowing RedHat to have audit rights to your
facilities and records????? Please tell me that I am reading into this wrong!

Greg M. Kurtzer, CSE: Linux cluster specialist
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Contact: O=510.495.2307, P=510.448.4540, M=510.928.9953
1 Cyclotron Road #90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720
http://www.lbl.gov, http://scs.lbl.gov/, http://lug.lbl.gov/
Email: GMKurtzer_at_lbl.gov, Text: 5109289953_at_mobileatt.net
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