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On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Josep M. wrote:

Hm, autoupdate does not generate the comps.xml file either. It only generates
the packages/dependencies part.
In fact it cannot build the comps.xml file as this cannot be built 
automatically ...

However, I feel that the ability to create that part comps.xnl file
will soon be needed ... :)

I think it is best to use the 7.2 comps file and adapt it accordingly.


> Hello.
> Thanks,but comps.XML is used in RH8.x versions, in 7.x and AS2.1 the comps file is a 
> plaint text file and have 
> different format ,I will look and if not ask in autoupdate mail-list if 
> autoupdate can generate comps 
> file for 7.x /AS2.1 version.I used autoupdate near of two years to now,but i have my 
> command in a script files
> and I just install package and run my commands,not looked too much inside.
> Josep
> Begin of Quote JP Vossen :
> >On 22 Jul 2003, Simon J Mudd wrote:
> >
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Josep M.") writes:
> >>
> >> > Now...What about the comps file? Will be better create one or use
> >> > one of RH7.2?
> >>
> >> I think you have to build your own. I was looking on the web to see
> >> how to do this but didn't come to any conclusion.
> >
> >Check out: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~gerald/ftp/autoupdate/faq.html
> ><FAQ quote>
> >Q: Can I use [autoupdate] to generate the xml dependency for inclusion in
> >comps.xml?
> >
> >Yes. The command
> >        autoupd --requiresxml *.rpm
> >will generate package sections for all given rpms which can then be included
> >in your comps.xml file.
> ></FAQ quote>
> >
> >I just tried it in a spool dir with 4-5 RPMs and it emitted comps-looking XLM
> >to STDOUT.  So I suspect 'autoupd --requiresxml *.rpm > stuff4comps.xml' will
> >give you the packages part.  What is still not clear is if a comps file
> >built with custom packages is sufficiently different to be "legal" if,
> >indeed, there is any legal issue with using a RH comps file at all.
> >
> >See also the next question in the FAQ.
> >
> >Autoupdate is a very powerful and flexible updater that could probably be used
> >to bootstrap some of these kinds of "upgrades."  I found out about THIS list
> >from the Autoupdate list and I think there is a lot of good overlap.  It may
> >even be possible to ask Gerald to build some 'rpmbuild --rebuild' functions
> >into Autoupdate to simplify local errata distribution.
> >
> >
> >> Also at the moment RH7.2 and AS2.1 are pretty much identical. My guess
> >> is that the code bases are likely to diverge which may make it more
> >> difficult in the future to follow this procedure.
> >
> >Hum.  I suspect RH7.3 is a little closer:
> >http://rhl.redhat.com/about/history/
> >
> >October 22 2001, RH 7.2
> >GNOME 1.4, KDE 2.2. ***This was the development basis for Red Hat Enterprise
> >Linux 2.1 AS, originally marketed as Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1, though RHEL
> >2.1 AS also included some fixes that also ended up being included in Red Hat
> >Linux 7.3.***
> >
> >
> >
> >> I'd like to work out how to "host the build" of the RPMs from any
> >> distribution...
> >
> >That sounds next to impossible to me (for reasons of different glibc, etc.)
> >And why do it?  RH7.2 or 7.3 are free and available.  Why not just start from
> >them?  Then, as RHEL evolves, use the closest free platform to bootstrap:
> >
> >http://rhl.redhat.com/about/history/
> >March 31 2003, RH 9
> >Start of some new directions. In the past, Red Hat worked to maintain both
> >forward and backward compatibility within a major version series. In the
> >future, Red Hat will not be trying to enable building software on newer
> >releases that runs on older releases, thus the change in versioning.
> >
> >First release to include NPTL (Native POSIX Thread Library) support, using
> >glibc 2.3.2 and kernel 2.4.20 with NPTL support backported from the 2.5.x
> >development kernels. Also, KDE 3.1 and GNOME 2.2.
> rhel-rebuild mailing list
> Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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