This doc describes how to Build a derivative Linux work based in SRPMS of 
Redhat Advanced Server 2.1   

Copyright Josep M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
These are the steps:                                                                   
1 - I Installed Redhat Linux 7.2 with option ALL PACKAGES in my laptop.                
2 - I started Compiling ALL SRPMS                                                      
Problems found:                                                                        
Anaconda refuse compile,first must install dietlibc and after must                     
install modutils-devel for compile anaconda.                                           
I took the .src.rpm of dietlibc and modutils from AS2.1 SRPMS and compiled             
and installed these because I didn't found these two packages in my                    
RH7.2 install CDs (I didn't checked RH7.2 SRPMS CDs,only install CDs).                 
First build and install dietlibc and after modutils.                                   
The package libmad there is not included in RH7.2 too, I install this                  
from my compiled RPMS of AS2.1                                                         
Doxygen refuse compile,blocks computer, I will park and after will look.               
The logs are available at
3 - Now I update my RH7.2 with all latest updates (20 of Jyly of 2003)                 
using autoupdate
4 - Start Compiling SRPMS (only the SRPMS that first time was not build OK)            
The logs of my scripts of SRPMS that failed build are located at:
Only three packages failed:

The package libxml2-devel and libxml2 was installed from Srpms because                 
libxml2-devel because need more high release that the included with                    
the RH7.2                                                                              
I had to "downgrade" apache for compile  because I need  version 1.3.23                
I had to install mozilla-devel 0.99,but for do this I had to remove and                
install several packages                                                               
I removed all these and after installed from  AS2.1                                    
rpm -e mozilla-nspr mozilla-devel mozilla mozilla-psm mozilla-mail                     
mozilla-nss mozilla-chat  kdebindings-kmozilla nautilus-mozilla galeon                 
nautilus nautilus-devel                                                                
Now I'm in the need of a comps file,so I will investigate how do this:)                
I will continue when I will have this solved.                                          

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