/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/pkgorder and splitdistro complained about python libraries missing both on RH7.2 and my build of AS2.1. The *.py and *.so files the 2 scripts need are actually in /usr/lib/anaconda. I didn't know how to tell python to look for them there, so I just copied all *.py files from /usr/lib/anaconda to /usr/lib/python1.5 and all *.so files from /usr/lib/anaconda to /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/ and I could run pkgorder and splitdist after that.

/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/splitdistro (from anaconda-runtime-7.2-32AS) also has a bug where it deletes the SRPMS directory in i386-disc4 but doesn't create it subsequently and then complains that it's not there. If you don't need the source disks 3 and 4 (3 is actually shared between RPMS and SPRMS, in case all RPMS don't fit on the first 2 disks, judging by the code in splitdistro), you can just exit the code before it starts working with them (put sys.exit(0) before the line that prints "Creating disk3"), or modify the lines 158-160 to look like this:

os.system("mkdir -p %s %s %s/SRPMS %s %s/SRPMS %s/RedHat/RPMS %s/RedHat/RPMS" %
(disc1Dir, disc1SrcDir, disc1SrcDir, disc2SrcDir, disc2SrcDir, disc2Dir,


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