On Mon, 3 Nov 2003, Greg Kurtzer wrote:

> Russ Herrold is doing development on it. Unfortunatly the docs are in the
> source, but we can help anyone interested in IRC or mail lists.
>    ftp://ftp.owlriver.com/pub/local/ORC/buildfarm/ 

I just hit this in my email spool, as I had been travelling.  

It is quite intentional on my part that there is not a 
separate document.  The code has some error checking, but it 
is also quite capable of completely damaging an installation 
beyond repair, as it is running as root, and as anyone who has 
   man 2 chroot
knows, it is just a matter of time until some code 
inadvertently or malicious eludes the chroot, and its owner 
has to wipe and reinstall.  I want a user of the code to not 
walk into that unaware.

Once I have folded in some of the 'TBD' and roadmap code I 
will expand the internal doco -- perhaps in perldoc inline 
format (which works just fine in shell code), or perhaps a -h 
help option with a HERE doc dropping out a reminder.

As always, patches, comment, and help welcomed.

-- Russ Herrold
rhel-rebuild mailing list
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