I just though I would post some things I have found in my rebuild of RHEL21AS.

RedHat it seems don't rebuild any packages which have not changed since last time they built them. This explains why many of the packages do not build or do not build well on a self hosted system.

A downside to this is that there are many build with RPM 4.0.3, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0, 2.2.0 and 4.0.5. These older versions of RPM do some things differently to 4.0.4 which is probably the version that most people are using. I don't know about 4.0.5 but there might be changes there too.

rpm 4.0.4 only strips debug symbols from ELF executables which use shared libs. This is in contrast to older versions which strip all symbols. This means that there are 200+ rpms which when you build might not have stripped executables.

The solution to this is to edit /usr/lib/rpm/brp-strip and remove the -g from the strip command.

There may be other rpm based problems. I am comparing things now to make sure I find them all.

I have also found some strange results with time zones. The changelog entry dates are somehow affected by the time zone. I don't know if this is a bug or by design but I have the feeling that something is going wrong in the date processing.

Another thing to watch for is the library versions which are used. For many packages this is not a problem but the compat packages which need to use and provide specific historical versions it can be a problem. If you build your own version of these then at least compare the contents to the RH versions and make sure they contain what they should.


Information Technology Innovation Group
School of Information Technology
Swinburne University of Technology
Melbourne, Australia

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