Lineox Releases Enterprise Linux 4.0 Beta

Nov. 21. 2004

Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 (LEL) Beta is built from the Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 4.0 (RHEL) Beta 2 sources. Some source files were
modified by a set of scripts and the whole build process is script
based. The usage of scripts means that when the final RHEL 4.0 sources
are released, the same scripts can be used to build LEL 4.0 in a very
short time. The script which starts the package builds is cluster
enabled, which further expedites the build speed. Lineox hopes to have
the first LEL 4.0 release candidate ready and available for download
from mirror sites in less than two days after RHEL 4.0 source

The purpose of this beta is to check that all the needed changes are
made and they are made correctly.


Lineox Enterprise Linux 4.0 Beta is available immediately for x86
architecture and x86_64 architecture version should be ready within a
couple of days. See the address for DVD and CD
image files.

About Lineox

Before starting Lineox in 2003, Lineox founders have authored Linux
books in Finnish, the first one in 1995 with Slackware and Red Hat on
CD, and Finnish localized Linux distributions starting from 1998.
Their first Linux distribution aimed at international markets was
Spectra Linux 1.1 in 2002, followed by 1.2, which added installation
manual in English.

# # #

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S.A. and other
countries. Lineox is not affiliated with Red Hat, Inc. or Red Hat
Linux. Red Hat Linux is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. All
other product names, service marks, and trademarks mentioned herein
are trademarks of their respective owners.

Raimo Koski

rhel-rebuild mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] Hosted at the University of Innsbruck, Austria

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