Today Red Hat is pleased to announce that it has extended the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6 and future releases from seven to 10 years, effective immediately. This announcement is in response to the widespread adoption of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 since its introduction in 2007, and the increasing rate of adoption of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 since its launch in 2010.

During the life cycle of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, customers take advantage of a multitude of benefits, including feature enhancements, critical bug and security fixes, as well as award-winning support from Red Hat’s Global Support Services team. Customers also enjoy stability from Red Hat Enterprise Linux resulting from Red Hat's commitment to ABI and API compatibility during the life cycle. Finally, Red Hat delivers a steady stream of supported hardware platforms, aligning to the new introduction cycles of hardware OEM partners.

The result of the extended life cycle is that customers will enjoy all of the benefits of their subscription over a longer period of time. Specifically, this means additional time to take advantage of the significant investments that customers make in Red Hat Enterprise Linux related to their business critical applications. Enterprise customers will now have more options for their Red Hat Enterprise Linux implementations, and can use the longer life cycle to plan for migrations as well as new deployments.

We are excited about this announcement, and in particular about the additional value that it provides to customers, in response to their
reliance on Red Hat to help run and grow their business.

For additional details, please refer to the following resources:

- The press release associated with this announcement:

- The Red Hat Enterprise Linux life cycle web page:

- An FAQ on the Red Hat Customer Portal:

Please consult your primary Red Hat contact to understand more detail regarding this exciting announcement.

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