Simon Reber <> wrote:
> I know that Linux swaps the stuff which is not being used to disk (we
> already tweaking it with swappiness parameter).

My apologies for re-covering that.

> My problem is that I can’t see who is using the swap space (as you can see
> from below output) and therefore why it doesn’t free up the space when I
> shutdown the application!

Your investigations into the /proc/(process) tree could be looped for
all running processes, forks, etc...  It's been a bit since I looked
at how the JRE actually executes and VM.

> bash-3.2# cd /proc/5048
> bash-3.2# export SUM=0
> bash-3.2# for SWAP in `grep Swap $DIR/smaps 2>/dev/null| awk '{ print $2
> }'`; do let SUM=$SUM+$SWAP; done
> bash-3.2# echo "Swap usage by: 5048 = $SUM"
> Swap usage by: 5048 = 0
> bash-3.2# cat smaps
> 40000000-40009000 r-xp 00000000 c7:5dc0 9609
> /usr/prog/sag/cjp/v16/jre/bin/java
> ...

Bryan J Smith - Professional, Technical Annoyance

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