
Millionaire liberals are the ones who support the tax increases
necessary for fiscal sanity.
That is because they are happy to pay their fair share because they know
but for the greatness
of this country it wouldn't have been possible for them to attain it in
the first place.

On the other hand, the vast majority of rich Thugs just want to get
richer.  Their greed  borders
on insanity.  If you own several homes in several countries, I don't
care whether you're lib or consevative.
My position is that you have enough and I will tax you at the highest
rate (pick one of the worst you
can remember) allowable.  If the tax rate is so high you don't want to
work anymore, fine.  You
can sit on your mountain of cash and diddle yourself silly.


Thomas Powell wrote:


Their arguments are littered with logical fallacies, propaganda and =
hate.  What's passing as conservative these days is anything but.

Funny thing is I can say the same about Liberal positions. Liberals have =
no moral or ethical foundation from which to reach out to people. They =
use class warfare to split people instead of uniting. They use lies, =
ref: Dan Rather and Air guard gate. Lost his job over that one didn't =
he? I been praying for his expulsion for years. Actually since Vietnam, =
since he and a couple other illiterates singlehandedly handed South =
Vietnam to the North.=20

You know things are totally out of whack when 'intellectualism' is =

mocked as a negative liberal tendency.=20
I only hear the word intellectualism as a attribute coming from =
Liberals. I do hear Conservatives say Liberals pretend to be =
intellectual and think they are smarter and above the pecking order of =
society. It is only they who can save humans from themselves.=20
Conservatives believe in the right of the individual , the right to life =
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.=20
Liberals destroy all three of these God given rights. Life, through =
abortion they take life, because it is not convieient instead of going =
to full term and adopting , worse case scenario Orpanages should be =
built and the Foster care system obliterated. However, this time we do =
the Orphanage thing right. Libety: Through EPA mandated rules set by the =
UN, you wish to take property rights from Farmers and ranchers for a =
stupid tiny fish that has no impact on the echo system. You place more =
value on a grub fish than the life of a fetus. Tell me that is =
Intellectualism. Pursuit of happiness: This is the most stealthy one you =
work on. You call happiness , the right to free healthcare. Show me in =
the Constitution where that is a right. You call happiness a safety net =
that is paid for by overburnded tax laws that makes it impossible for =
the middle class to make the leap to wealthy unless they are a Bill =
Gates or an inventor who can make bucoos of money overnight. Or a pop =
star, or a politician who can become a millionaire, on a 150,000 dollar =
a year income. Give me a freaking break. There are more millionaire =
Liberals than there are millionaire Republicans. That is my opinion. Jay =
Rockefeller, one of the richest men in the world and set at the head of =
the table of the Illuminati , the group vying for Global government , =
for control of the money supply.=20

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(Copyright 2004)

"Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the people's 
liberty teeth."

George Washington
Small minds talk about people

Average minds talk about events

Great minds talk about ideas.

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