Would you please say how old the words 'Falestine" and "Canan" are...?
It is known from the age of prophet Israel or Yacoob(Jacob) as history
Jacob or Israel himself was a "Palestinian" so to speak....
Yes modern nationhood was absent.....


----- Original Message -----
Subject:      [RHETORIC] Where were they?
Sent:         Thu, 16 Dec 2004 11:51:16 -0500
From: Harvey Rosetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Where were the Palestinians? In the 16th, 17th, 18th and the 19th
>centuries, nobody could find them. Mark Twain couldn't find them.
>Where were the Jews?  They were in Jewish communities in Jerusalem, Safed,
>Shechem, Hebron, Gaza, Ramleh, Acre, Sidon, Tyre, Haifa, Irsuf, Caesarea,
>and El Arish, and throughout Galilee towns - Kfar Alma, Ein Zeitim, Biria,
>Pekiin, Kfar Hanania, Kfar Kana and Kfar Yassif.
>What to do with Europe's Jews?  Palestine was so much in need of a people
>that Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the first Zionists and he promoted the
>full-scale return of all Jews.
>What they did find, those who visited pre-Israel. They found lepers,
>They found dilapidation. They found sickness. They found marauding bands
>of Bedouin Arabs.
>They found the LAND of pre-Israel was mostly empty, neglected,
>abandoned, desolate, fallen into ruins except for Jewish settlements.
>That is what everyone found and there are voluminous records of eye
>witnesses to this fact.
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