To reassure those who have reservations about the discussion being
focused on the Middle East with some racist overtones to posts -- this
certainly is not the range of things dealt with here.  It is a front and
center topic now with the tensions between groups in that region being
generated by the Bush administration's aggressions combined with a
slightly opened door for peace-making between Israel and Palestine.
Such are making people respond with gut impulses that are entirely
understandable in the context of the pain that groups have been feeling
there with the breakdown of the European colonial domination of the
region post WW2.  What we are seeing, if you will forgive the horror of
the image today, are the aftershocks.  Join in and be helpful would be
my suggestion rather than running for more peaceful territory.

I happen to be a social/political/legal philosopher with background in
some of these areas.  As a teen I was actually offered a job with one of
the oil companies with the prospect of becoming very rich in the
profit-making to be had by economic domination of the emergent regimes
there by slightly more subtle means than military occupation, i.e.
supporting rulers such as the Shah in Iran rather than the incipient
democracy being instituted by Mossadeq which was up ended by our CIA as
its first venture in regime change -- Mossadeq had threatened to take
back control from our (British and American) oil interests so we jointly
did a number on him (as we are doing now in Iraq once again):

"A war is just if there is no alternative, and the resort
to arms is legitimate if they represent your last hope." (Livy)
Ed Kent  718-951-5324 (voice mail only) [blind copies]

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