On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Asko Ojaluoto wrote:

> What alchemist process makes of the Palestinians nonleftists? This is
> quite interesting and related to third world which can be seen for
> example as a center-periphery homogenous group of countries. In Germany
> left was against nazis and most workers could see it but why in the
> Middle-East people become totalitarian muslims. I don't understand (not
> saying personally) authoritarian values which people are claim to have
> in economic crisis. Most Palestinians are unemployed and still they like
> to destroy Israel?
> Thank you for the previous answers
> Asko Ojaluoto

Not the entire Middle-East. Turks are mostly Muslims but the government is
secular and the view there is one of openness and peaceful coexistence,
which to a large extent means there is MUTUAL BENEFIT of trade. Turkey and
Israel have diplomatic relations. Israel also had diplomatic and trade
with Iran before the fundamentalist revolution. The futher a country gets
from religion the more civilized it tends to become. That applies to
Israel as much as it applies anywhere, however the only time that
condition existed in Israel was with religious Jews immigrating into
Israel in the 1700s and 1800s. These same religious tendencies were
anti-Zionism but paradoxical they were a fullfillment of Zionism because
they were part of the ingathering, or Aliyah, yet against the
establishment of a state before the Messiah comes. The socialists made the
ingathering secular and the first government was socialist which is why it
was supported by so many socialist-like governments.

Turkey was also responsible for the Armenian genocide killing about a
1,000,000 Armenians and also the annihilation of tens of thousands of
Kurds. The genocide took place, I believe, around the time of WWI. Today
the Turks are much more to the left and democratic. Most of the people
living there are Muslims but Jews can freely come and go also.


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