I get this on a riakc_pb_socket:ping() ...

20:24:04.361 [error] Handoff receiver for partition undefined exited
abnormally after processing 0 objects:


On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Mike Oxford <moxf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3 node cluster of 1.0.2, level_db backend, pb interface. Build up a
> store of 9 connections (3 to each node) and pull one out randomly.
> --snip
> 62> 
> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(gen_server:call(forum_store:get_random_pid(alliance),
> get_connector_pid), <<"alliance_overview">>
> {ok,[]}
> 63> 
> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(gen_server:call(forum_store:get_random_pid(alliance),
> get_connector_pid), <<"alliance_overview">>).
> {ok,[]}
> 64> 
> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(gen_server:call(forum_store:get_random_pid(alliance),
> get_connector_pid), "alliance_overview").
> {ok,[]}
> 65> 
> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(gen_server:call(forum_store:get_random_pid(alliance),
> get_connector_pid), "alliance_overview").
> =ERROR REPORT==== 21-Jan-2012::08:23:11 ===
> ** Generic server <0.24647.5> terminating
> ** Last message in was {tcp,#Port<0.5820>,[255|<<"unknown_msg">>]}
> ** When Server state == {state,"",2010,false,false,#Port<0.5820>,
>                            {request,#Ref<>,
>                                {rpblistkeysreq,"alliance_overview"},
>                                undefined,
>                                {106931976,<0.25063.5>},
>                                60000,#Ref<>},
>                            {[],[]},
>                            1,[],infinity,100}
> ** Reason for termination ==
> ** {function_clause,[{riakclient_pb,decode,[undefined,<<"unknown_msg">>]},
>                     {riakc_pb_socket,handle_info,2},
>                     {gen_server,handle_msg,5},
>                     {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}
> {error,{timeout,[]}}
> 66> 
> riakc_pb_socket:list_keys(gen_server:call(forum_store:get_random_pid(alliance),
> get_connector_pid), "alliance_overview").
> {ok,[]}
> --end snip
> Riak console spits out the following at the same time...
> --snip
> nodes().08:23:11.154 [info] Handoff receiver for partition undefined
> exited after processing 0 objects
> --end snip
> Error condition does not seem to follow any specific node and the
> connections die when the error is thrown so its constantly building
> new ones.
> TIA.
> -mox

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