I will assume you use the default write buffer settings … cuz that is a whole 
different discussion and there are two settings not one (_min and _max).

The default min is 32M and the default max is 64M … so your value is 48M for 
the average_write_buffer_size.

Superbowl is about to start here, so I am not performing a detailed check of 
your math.  However, I can judge the 92 open files looks correct compared to 
similar systems.

What questions remain?


On Feb 3, 2013, at 5:44 PM, Simon Effenberg <seffenb...@team.mobile.de> wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> thanks a lot!
> So now I have:
> 6 nodes each having 32GB RAM:
> vnode_working_memory = 16GB / 256 / 6 (50% of RAM devided by ringsize
> devided by nodes) = 390 MB
> open_file_memory =
>   (max_open_files-10) * (
>    184 + (104MB/2048) *
>    (8 + ((16+14336)/2048 +1) *
>    0.6
>   )
> Now I'm missing the max_open_files .. how to calculate it?
> I'm missing also average_write_buffer_size (see my question in Step 4).
> If I would use the default values for average_write_buffer_size the
> max_open_files could be calculated like:
> memory/vnode = average_write_buffer_size + cache_size +
> open_file_memory + 20 MB
> <=> (memory/vnode) - 20 MB - cache_size - average_write_buffer_size =
>    open_file_memory
> so with the default values:
> open_file_memory = 390MB - 20MB - 8MB - 45MB = 317MB
> and now max_open_files would be
> open_file_memory = (max_open_files-10) * (184 + (104MB/2048) * (8 + ((16
>                   +14336)/2048 +1) * 0.6 )
> <=> (max_open_files-10) = open_file_memory / (184 + (104MB/2048) * (8 +
>                          ((16+14336)/2048 +1) * 0.6 )
> <=> max_open_files = open_file_memory / (184 + (104MB/2048) * (8 +
>                     ((16+14336)/2048 +1) * 0.6 ) + 10
> <=> max_open_files = 317MB / (184+53248*(8+67.8)) + 10
> <=> max_open_files = 317MB / 4036382.4 + 10
> <=> max_open_files ~= 92
> That would be the maximum amount of open files a server can handle
> (per vnode), am I right? But now, is this enough? Or how to calculate
> 50% temporary server loss (3 of 6) and how is the count of keys/values
> is taking into account? I'm somehow lost :(
> Cheers
> Simon
> On Sun, 3 Feb 2013 16:12:25 -0500
> Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com> wrote:
>> First:  Step 2 is talking about how many vnodes exist on a physical server.  
>> If your ring size is 256, but you have 8 servers … then your vnode count for 
>> step 2 is 32.
>> Second:  the 2048 is a constant forced by Google's leveldb implementation.  
>> It is the portion of a file covered by a single bloom filter.  This 
>> calculation constant disappears with the upcoming 1.3 release.
>> Third:  yes there is a "block_size" parameter that is 4096.  Increase that 
>> only if you want to REDUCE the performance of the leveldb instance.  4096 is 
>> a very happy value.  We have customers and tests with 130K data values, all 
>> using 4096 block size.  The block_size only governs the minimum written 
>> (aggregate size of small values that must be written as one unit at minimum).
>> Use 104Mbyte for your average sst file size.  It is "good enough"
>> I am not following the question stream for Step 4 and beyond.  Please state 
>> again.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 3, 2013, at 3:44 PM, Simon Effenberg <seffenb...@team.mobile.de> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure if I understand this all well to calculate the memory
>>> usage per file and other stuff.
>>> The webpage tells me some steps but I'm completly unsure if I understand 
>>> all parameters.
>>> "Step 1: Calculate Available Working Memory"
>>> taking the example:
>>> leveldb_working_memory = 32G * (1 - .50) = 16G
>>> "Step 2: Calculate Working Memory per vnode"
>>> vnode_working_memory = leveldb_working_memory / vnode_count
>>> vnode_count = 256
>>> => vnode_working_memory = 16G / 256 = 64MB/vnode
>>> also easy
>>> "Step 3: Estimate Memory Used by Open Files"
>>> open_file_memory =
>>>  (max_open_files-10) * (
>>>    184 + (average_sst_filesize/2048) *
>>>    (8 + ((average_key_size+average_value_size)/2048 +1) *
>>>    0.6
>>>  )
>>> so how do I know the average_sst_filesize (and what is this value exactly)
>>> (and is 2048 for both /2048 true or 4096 in riak 1.2?) and how do I know
>>> the max_open_files?
>>> average_key_size could be 16byte (I have to ask someone but taking it for 
>>> now)
>>> average_value_size will be 14kbyte 
>>> so for now
>>> open_file_memory =
>>>  (max_open_files-10) * (
>>>    184 + (average_sst_filesize/2048) *
>>>    (8 + ((16+14336)/2048 +1) *
>>>    0.6
>>>  )
>>> (side question: should I increase the block_size because of the big average 
>>> value size?
>>> and also should I leave the cache_size at the default value like it was 
>>> recommended?)
>>> "Step 4: Calculate Average Write Buffer"
>>> should I increase these values or not? If only two are held in memory and I 
>>> have, as an
>>> example, 32GB or RAM like in this scenario, shouldn't I increase it to 
>>> something else?
>>> "Step 5: Calculate vnode Memory Used"
>>> memory/vnode = average_write_buffer_size + cache_size + open_file_memory + 
>>> 20 MB
>>> So for now I miss almost all 3 values :(.
>>> To get an Idea:
>>> - 3 buckets
>>> - overall ~ 343347732 keys (but only 2/3 have 14kbyte in average)
>>> Thx for help!
>>> Simon
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> -- 
> Simon Effenberg | Site Ops Engineer | mobile.international GmbH
> Fon:     + 49-(0)30-8109 - 7173
> Fax:     + 49-(0)30-8109 - 7131
> Mail:     seffenb...@team.mobile.de
> Web:    www.mobile.de
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> Geschäftsführer: Malte Krüger
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