Hi Matthew,

Right now we are storing images captured from mobile phones in Riak. So far it works really well as the image sizes range from a few hundred K to a few MB. But, as camera resolutions increase, so does the data size, plus, users are actually interested in the higher resolution images if they decide to print them.

I am hoping to understand is the largest "chunk" size that a binary value should have and whether or not leveldb would be better or worse than bitcask. For example, if it is as Mark suggested where the optimal size would be 10MB, that would mean that we would be chunking a 50MB binary object into 5 concurrent writes. For us, this is actually a very good solution since our platform does not actually operate on any of the data it is persisting and can achieve the scale necessary.

A little bit of background - we have developed a novel message queue architecture/platform in Erlang that is optimized for mobile devices that is currently in private beta (will be opening it up to a public beta around the end of March). We provide an SDK that allows mobile developers access to light weight services running on our platform that gives instant group collaboration functionality ranging from group/device discovery, group formation and management, to real-time chat (feature set is actually pretty comprehensive). The SDK allows developers to drop our service into any existing or new project with just a few lines of code, which means that the binary data will be whatever the developer decides to push along the wire, from images to audio to even video clips.

If you are interested, here is a link to our docs: http://developer.go-factory.net/

Also note, I understand that the larger the data size, the more on-the-wire cost within the cluster, for example if the data size is 10MB, with n_val of 3, that is 30MB on the wire for each chunk, and with 5 chunks, that comes out to 150MB. For us that is less of an issue as we host our own service on dedicated dual ported gigabit hardware co-located at two major data centers.

Does this help?


On 3/6/13 4:14 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:
Just curious, what is the typical size and the overall range of sizes for your image data?


On Mar 6, 2013, at 6:08 PM, Bryan Hughes <br...@go-factory.net <mailto:br...@go-factory.net>> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I am building a new 5 node cluster with 1.3.0 and am transitioning from Bitcask to LevelDB (or perhaps a Mulit with LevelDB being the main) which is all well understood. My question is regarding image data, and other large binary data: Is one better than the other in terms of the size of binary data that can be stored, as well as performance of reads? I recall Mark suggesting to limit binary data to 10MB.

I am curious where this limitation comes from?



Bryan Hughes
*Go Factory*

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Bryan Hughes
CTO and Founder / *Go Factory*
(415) 515-7916

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