Christian, All,

Bad news: my laptop is completely dead. Good news: I have a new one, and
it's now fully operational (backups FTW!).

The log files have finally been uploaded:

I have attached to that mail our config.

The machine is a virtual Xen instance at Linode with 4GB of memory. I know
it's probably not the very best setup, but 1) we're on a budget and 2) we
assumed that would fit our needs quite well.

Just to put things in more details. Initially we did not use allow_mult and
things worked out fine for a couple of days. As soon as we enabled allow_mult,
we were not able to run the cluster for more then 5 hours without seeing
failing nodes, which is why I'm convinced we must be doing something wrong.
The question is: what?


On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Christian Dahlqvist <>wrote:

> Hi Julien,
> I was not able to access the logs based on the link you provided.
> Could you please attach a copy of your app.config file so we can get a
> better understanding of the configuration of your cluster? Also, what is
> the specification of the machines in the cluster?
> How much data do you have in the cluster and how are you querying it?
> Best regards,
> Christian
> On 12 May 2013, at 19:11, Julien Genestoux <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are running a cluster of 5 servers, or at least trying to, because
> nodes seem to be dying 'randomly'
> without us knowing any reason why. We don't have a great Erlang guy
> aboard, and the error logs are not
> that verbose.
> So I've just .tgz the whole log directory and I was hoping somebody could
> give us a clue.
> It's there: 
> not be fully uploaded to dropbox yet!)
> I've looked at the archive and some people said their server was dying
> because some object's size was just
> too big to allocate the whole memory. Maybe that's what we're seeing?
> As one of our buckets is set with allow_mult, I am tempted to think that
> some object's size may be exploding.
> However, we do actually try to resolve conflicts in our code. Any idea how
> to confirm and then debug that we
> have an issue there?
> Thanks a lot for your precious help...
> Julien
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