
Wait.  Couple serious environmental issues here:

- " results are close enough to LevelDB, Bitcask, …":  Bitcask is always 1.5x 
to 2x the performance of LevelDB.  Bitcask has a constant throughput until its 
first merge.  Your comment states all the databases are close.  Bitcask and 
Leveldb are never close in real life.  Sounds like your testing was either CPU 
bound or some other environmental bottleneck.  This suggests to me that you 
might have achieved a similar throughput with 3x5 notecards too.

- "levels out at 2500 ops …" within 10 minutes per your attached graphs.  Stock 
LevelDB from Google does not start to seriously degrade until 90 minutes of 
constant load.  Yet the performance graphs offered have tanked within 10 

Bad data does not motivate me to spend time with yet another offering in the 
key/value storage space.  Comparison of 20 hour runs, maybe.  But those 
benchmarks need to validate known performance differences of Bitcask and 
Leveldb to establish credibility. 10 minutes runs have barely flushed memory 


On May 19, 2013, at 12:38 AM, Greg Burd <> wrote:

> Hello Brian,
> I want to echo all the things Jon, Kresten and others have said, but I know 
> Howard well (from my time back at Sleepycat) and I know he doesn't mess 
> around when it comes to storage code.  So I took the day today to make a more 
> updated NIF and run some tests.  These are 
> on my laptop (SSD, Linux, btrfs, 2 core/4 thread Core i7 with 8GB RAM -- aka, 
> not very server-like).  The one that levels out at 2500 ops is a put only 
> workload.  The other is a mix of get/put/del operations.  The results are 
> close enough to LevelDB, Bitcask, and WiredTiger on my laptop to warrant more 
> work at some point.
> This doesn't suggest that this will become supported, just that someone cared 
> enough to take the code for a spin.
> best,
> @gregburd | Basho Technologies | Riak | | @basho
> @gregburd | Basho Technologies | Riak | | @basho
> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 2:05 PM, Jon Meredith <> wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Experimental backends for Riak are always exciting.  I haven't played with it 
> personally, and Basho has no current plans to support it as a leveldb 
> alternative.
> It's worth adding two notes of caution.  First, stores that use mmap for 
> persistence can suffer from problems around dirty pages.  If you have a very 
> low update volume and a nice hot set that the operating system can keep the 
> pages in memory they work nicely.
> On some operating systems (specifically Linux), if you have a high update 
> load, and consequently a large volume of dirty pages (more than dirty_ratio), 
> I believe all OS level threads for the process are suspended until the 
> condition is resolved by writing out the pages when the process is scheduled.
> This is bad for latencies in endurance tests.   For something like LDAP this 
> tradeoff is probably a good one, for Riak it concerns me, and other platforms 
> may be better behaved to make the option interesting, and the linux kernel 
> may have begun 
> Second, I worry about crash resilience - can the internal memory structures 
> tolerate a kernel panic where the dirty pages are not written, or potentially 
> worse torn with a partial write.
> Good luck with your experiments,
> Jon
> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Brian Hong <> wrote:
> OpenLDAP Lightning Memory-Mapped Database seems to be getting traction for 
> it's high performance and similar query (iteration) functionality with 
> leveldb:
> There seems to be an experimental backend for Riak:
> Does anybody know of it's usefulness? Is there any benchmarks on it?
> I've heard that leveldb suffers write performance issues:
> Any chances of Basho guys supporting lmdb as an leveldb alternative to Riak? 
> It would be awesome! :D
> -- 
> Brian(Sung-jin) Hong
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