
For large files like that, you'll find that Riak CS is a much better fit. Riak 
is not currently designed to handle files above ~ 10MB. Riak CS should support 
the Accept-Ranges header just like S3. If you find a case where that's not 
true, please let us know. It's a bug.

A couple more thoughts inline:

On Jun 11, 2013, at 4:55 AM, Andre Lohmann <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm in the need of a comodity hardware driven CDN for Video Streaming.
> The Files that are uploaded can be up to serveral Gig in size (each). I need 
> this system to be automatically replicated and horizontal skalable, to have a 
> round-robin on all Servers (for a simple loadbalancing algorithm).
> As far as I tested, riak does match the replicating and skalability needs.
> I allready did some testinstallations on some virtualservers (riak v 1.3.1, 
> riak cs I had problems with following the installation instructions on Ubuntu 
> 12.04, it didn't worked, but I will try some more). I noticed, that the 
> "accept-ranges: bytes" HTTP Header is not set. Also, compared to an apache 
> box, the range requests (initiated by VLC) didn't seem to work on riak (when 
> seeking to the mid of the video, all previous Data was downloaded by the 
> client, jumping backward always crashed).
> So now I have a few questions about my case and which seems to be the best 
> System (pure riak or riak cs)? Also some questions about how it internally 
> works?
> For Example, I have 5 Boxes with replication to 3 Copies (which means each 
> file is stored at least on 4 Boxes). When uploading a file to Box 1, this 
> will be copied to Boxes 2-4. When fetching this file from Box 5, this box 
> itself needs to fetch the the file internally from box 1-4. Does it select 
> the Box by load, randomly, or does it fetch parts by all boxes? Will the file 
> this way also get cached/replicated to Box 5 too?

To be clear, a replication value of 3 means there are 3 replicas. Not 3 
_additional_ replicas.

> Am I able to set a nginx Proxy in front of each riak box, to masquerade the 
> filename and still be able to handover the range requests to the riak box?

I don't know offhand if there are any gotchas with nginx and Accept-Ranges, but 
don't foresee any issues here.

> while riak is totally save against failing boxes what about riak cs and the 
> stanchion instance?

Riak CS is stateless. If a Riak CS box has failed/is-failing/slow, you can 
contact any other one in its place. Stanchion should be run on a singleton 
node, and replaced if it fails. You can also use 'traditional' HA techniques to 
make stanchion handle failover. Note, stanchion is only used for a small 
percentage of requests, like bucket creation/deletion. Normal object CRUD 
requests do _not_ require stanchion. So, if it fails, only a small amount of 
requests will be affected until it is back running again.


> kind regards
> andre lohmann
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