Hello All-

Adron here for this recap.

The team is currently stepping up to bat at QCon NYC, OS Bridge in
Portland, writing some new blog articles and collaborating on new practices
and thoughts on Riak and RAID. Along with events we've released some new
plugins for New Relic's new plugin platform, Tier 3, also integrated with
New Relic, is releasing an object store with Riak CS as the back end.

Thanks for being a part of the Riak Community and enjoy.


Riak Recap for June 12th through June 19th

The team at Tier3 released the GA of their cloud storage platform, built on
Riak CS.

We released a few more RICON East videos (and RICON West tickets continue
to sell fast...).
- http://ricon.io/archive/2013/east.html

Basho TE John Daily wrote the first of N blog posts on distributed systems.
- http://macintux.calepin.co/distributed-systems-part-1.html

Basho TE Tom "Cheese" Santero posted slides from his "Riak, Latency and
Distributed Systems" talk at QCon NYC.
- https://speakerdeck.com/tsantero/riak-latency-and-distributed-systems

Hector Castro, John Daily, Seth Thomas, and Paul Hagan collaborated on a
blog post all about Riak and RAID.

The New Relic team launched their new platform, complete with a Riak
- http://newrelic.com/platform
- http://newrelic.com/plugins/basho-technologies/93
- https://github.com/basho/basho_riak_plugin


The Silicon Valley Riak Meetup is happening June 26th
- http://www.meetup.com/Silicon-Valley-Riak/events/124134742/

The London Riak Meetup is happening Monday, June 24th
- http://www.meetup.com/riak-london/events/123027262/

First Call for Vancouver BC Riak Workshop, August 23rd
- http://riak.eventbrite.ca/

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