Riak Users,

Today I'm excited to bring you the 0.7.0 release of Yokozuna.  It includes
some new features such as an upgrade to Solr 4.3.0, isolation of index
failures, one-to-many index-to-buckets relationship, and map-reduce
support.  There is also a performance improvement in index throughput.
 Along with several bug fixes.  See the release notes for more detail.


Once again I have forgone the EC2 AMI.  Only a source package is available.
 You can find instructions for installing on the INSTALL page.


For those that have been using Yokozuna.  The one-to-many change is a
breaking change.  Creating an index no longer implicitly indexes the bucket
with the same name.  Two steps must be performed.  FIrst you create the
index as before.  Second you add a bucket property 'yz_index' whose value
is the name of the index you wish to index that bucket under.  There is an
example in the README.


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