Hi there,

say, I have a CS Cluster of 50 Servers filled with Videofiles of in general
1GB of size.

I now hit server 1 for a file, then the pieces are spread over a subset of
all 50 servers and get fetched now, to be delivered by server 1.

When Hitting Server 1 again for the same file, will it be fetched again
piece by piece from the other servers, or is there some kind of caching
(prefered in memory) available, to deliver this file from cache the next

Andre Lohmann

Alte Gärtnerei 20a
24232 Schönkirchen

Tel.: +49 (0) 431 260 93 833
mobil: +49 (0) 176 55 910 913
mail: lohmann.an...@gmail.com

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