Hi Sam,
thanks for the fast reply.

In my company we normally use your third suggestion and indeed it's a
robust strategy.

At the moment we are relying on a riak client based on spray (
https://github.com/agemooij/riak-scala-client) so even if we set the
Content-Type - when the body is empty - it doesn't get to the final request
being dispatched.

Our workaround is to have a content body equal to the one byte carriage
It's not a big deal...

Writing to the mailing list was mainly because curious to know your
thoughts about this :)

Have a good day,

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 12:03 AM, Sam Elliott <sam.elli...@basho.com> wrote:

> The content-type is important for Riak KV: Various clients will use it to
> identify the difference between a response where the whole body is the key,
> or a response that contains siblings (if you have allow_mult=true).
> I suggest finding or creating a content type, so that this is clearer to
> your app. It will also allow you to version your objects better. Here are a
> few suggestions (of course replace the text between the < >):
> - application/octet-stream - this is usually used for binary data, and is
> the easiest thing to set the content-type to.
> - application/vnd.<company name>.<useful type name here> - a
> vendor-specific type, which you can create yourself
> - application/vnd.<company name>.<useful type name here>.v<version number>
> - another vendor-specific type, which supports versioning.
> You don't have to use the information in your final app, but it is used by
> riak and riak clients, so that's why we require it.
> --
> Sam Elliott
> Engineer
> sam.elli...@basho.com
> --
> On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 5:03PM, Vincenzo Vitale wrote:
> > Suppose I want to just store keys in a bucket without any body, this
> make sense in scenarios where the key completely identify the entity. Is it
> possible to use the riak http api without including the content-type header?
> > Looking at the http specifications, content–type is not mandatory or
> suggested when the body is empty:
> > http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec7.html#sec7.2.1
> > and it's probably a good argument to say that if the entity message is
> empty then the content type doesn't really make sense.
> > Personally I think that just the existence of an http entity - body or
> not body – is sufficient to justify a "type"; it's unfortunate that any
> other higher type (entity type maybe?) - decoupled from what is defined as
> content - exist in the spec.
> > Framework like spray are quite strict about this, not setting any
> content type when the content is empty:
> >
> https://github.com/spray/spray/blob/master/spray-http/src/main/scala/spray/http/HttpEntity.scala#L74
> > how to deal with such situation? Adding a fake content because of this
> data store constraint doesn't seems right.
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vincenzo.
> >
> > --
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