Hey all, thanks for the feedback, this is interesting!

re: Those CRDT white papers look pretty complicated, I will definitely
will leave that to you hardcore mathematicians and computer scientists
re: Riak 2.0, I see there are git branches for 2.0 related stuff in
Riak and in corrugatediron, I am guessing it's still too rough around
the edges for a newbie like me to be messing around with?
re: RabbitMQ I had heard of it but am hesitant to add another
daemon/system dependency. But I am  definitely considering your
advice, Guido!

Also for this particular project (a multiplayer game) I may be able to
get away with Sets, don't actually really need proper Queues. Actually
I'm not sure. Just thinking out loud here.

For a Set implementation in Riak, I am thinking of modeling it after
this blog post, I cannot find which at the moment, which described how
to implement a lock-free Set in Redis. Redis is not distributed, but I
think the data structure is still relevant:

* To get around the eventual-consistency issue, a prerequisite would
be to always use R=1 and W=all. This will optimize it for reads
because there will be a process polling Riak to remove messages out of
the Set.
*  In the Redis implementation, they used the atomic APPEND operation
to append entries into the set, as a list but with notation to add or
remove, prefixed with + or -. e.g.
 => yields { itemB, itemC }
* Obviously Riak doesn't have atomic appends, however setting a bucket
to allow_mult = true, and always Put-ing with null vector clock, then
the Siblings feature should be equivalent. Instead of a value being
appended to, the Siblings would be populated with +itemA, +itemB,
-itemA, +itemC, etc.
* Any process reading the Set is also be responsible for collating and
Put-ing the condensed set back, after it reaches some size limit or I
think they called it 'fragmentation'.  This condense and re-Put
operation would be the tricky part, and would need to use vector clock
and ensure there are 0 siblings when finished. But it should be
possible? It seems like this is an uber-simplified form of a CRDT data


On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:12 AM, Guido Medina <guido.med...@temetra.com> wrote:
> Alex,
> RabbitMQ which is a good high performer, developed in Erlang and scales just
> as Riak.
> The old saying, the right tool for the right job, I like how fast Riak is
> fetching/storing key values on a distributed environment, I don't like Riak
> for queues, is it because it wasn't designed for that? CRDT like CAS
> operations on structures (to mention some for Java) like LinkedBlockingQueue
> and ConcurrentLinkedQueue should be painful enough to develop in a CRDT
> environment, cause now you would be talking of guarding states of few within
> the same structure; say AtomicReference of several variables to warranty a
> non-blocking CAS operation, in this case heap and tail of the queue (Not so
> true for LinkedBlockingQueue)
> And performance of several CRDT for high performance queue I don't actually
> think is going to be good.
> If I were to use Riak for my big data environment and would like to match
> Riak on a distributed queueing system then I would use like I said,
> RabbitMQ.
> Guido.
> On 12/09/13 00:29, Alex Rice wrote:
>> Hi I'm very new to Riak. The allow_mult = true /  Siblings feature is
>> very interesting. Could it be used to implement a high performance
>> collection like a Queue or Set, in a lock free manner? The Riak docs
>> make it sound like allow_mult is mainly for confict resolution and
>> degenerate cases, rather than a feature which a data structure could
>> be designed around.  Does anyone have any links to share, or thoughts
>> about this broader issue?
>> Thanks much!
>> Alex
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