
Is it possible to elaborate more on "meet me in the middle settings/scenarios?", let me explain, let's say the quorum is configured with low values, say, R=W=1 and N=3, doesn't that add more work to AAE background process? Could there be ways to sacrifice some client performance with let's say, in the middle kind of generic for most scenario settings to have the client wait a bit longer (R=W=2 or similar combinations) and AAE to work a bit less?

Just thoughts though, I leave to the experts the deep explanation of this.



On 24/09/13 13:41, Jared Morrow wrote:

    Interesting. Someone knows what this entropy thing is doing
    exactly? Can
    it be switched off by default maybe?

Here is a description of AAE when it was released in Riak 1.3 http://basho.com/introducing-riak-1-3/ You can turn off AAE in your config files if you want it off. With Riak (and distributed systems in general) there are always tradeoffs for any feature. Riak more than others tends to pick 'safety' for the default case. AAE protects your data's integrity even when not being read for a long time. It is a very important feature, but we understand it does not fit everyone's needs, so we provide the option to turn it off.

Hope that helps,

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