Hello Charl, 

Everything looks as expected in the vnode status and the logs. Feel free to run 
`bitcask:merge("/PATH/TO/PARTITION")` for other partitions on the node(s) to 
reclaim space.

Let us know how things go.


Brian Sparrow
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

Sent with Sparrow (http://www.sparrowmailapp.com/?sig)

On Monday, September 16, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Charl Matthee wrote:

> Hi,
> On 16 September 2013 21:15, Alex Moore <amo...@basho.com 
> (mailto:amo...@basho.com)> wrote:
> > I would recommend running "riak-admin vnode-status" during an off-peak time
> > like Evan mentioned, that way we can see what your dead bytes/fragmentation
> > levels look like. This will also let us know if you are hitting the
> > triggers or if they need to be adjusted more.
> > 
> I've attached the output from "riak-admin vnode-status".
> > One thing I did notice is that your dead_bytes_merge_trigger and
> > dead_bytes_threshold are both set to 64MB.
> > This will means that a merge will be triggered when a bitcask file has more
> > than 64MB of dead objects in it (dead_bytes_merge_trigger), and only files
> > with more than 64 MB of dead objects will be merged (dead_bytes_threshold).
> > If you want more than that single file to be merged, you can reduce
> > dead_bytes_threshold further so it can include files that are nearing the
> > limit.
> > 
> Great, thanks for that. I'll update my nodes tomorrow and monitor the
> effects during the day.
> -- 
> Ciao
> Charl
> "I will either find a way, or make one." -- Hannibal
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