
The attached spreadsheet is best for 1.4.  Not sure how I missed getting it posted to the web-site.

Riak admin only reports memory usage as known by the Erlang virtual machine.  leveldb is outside Erlang's awareness.

The best memory measurement on a Linux machine is the /proc/<process id>/status file.  I typically monitor the VmData value.

Riak 1.4 greatly simplifies the memory management calculations compared to Riak 1.2/1.3.  But that does not mean it is easy.  The memory management for Riak 2.0 is completely changed.  You will only have to assign a total memory amount to be shared by all vnodes and leveldb will automatically split the memory wisely between the vnodes and each vnode's file cache and block cache … coming soon to a download near you ("soon" is measured in months).


Attachment: leveldb_sizing_1.4.xls
Description: Binary data

On Sep 26, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Guido Medina <> wrote:


I'm trying to tune our Riak cluster using but I'm still lost on how to use the calculation results, here are my questions:
  1. Does this calculator applies to Riak 1.4.2?
  2. How do I verify my running configuration? (I tried riak-admin status but somehow I can't relate the calculation with the obtained status, etc.)
  3. And finally, based on the calculator, how do I use the results, what pertinent variables am I supposed to set in app.config in the LevelDB section?



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