By the way,

I think that the number of repaired key is pretty high.

2014-01-03 06:33:42.857 [info]
<0.31440.2586>@riak_kv_exchange_fsm:key_exchange:206 Repaired 1491787 keys
during active anti-entropy exchange of
{468137243207554840987117797979434404733540892672,3} between
and {479555224749202520035584085735030365824602865664,'riak@'}

I have few but consistent lines like this (every two hours, during this

Best regards.

On 2 January 2014 10:05, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:

> This is the only thing related to AAE that exists in my app.config. I
> haven't changed any default values...
>             %% Enable active anti-entropy subsystem + optional debug
> messages:
>             %%   {anti_entropy, {on|off, []}},
>             %%   {anti_entropy, {on|off, [debug]}},
>             {anti_entropy, {on, []}},
>             %% Restrict how fast AAE can build hash trees. Building the
> tree
>             %% for a given partition requires a full scan over that
> partition's
>             %% data. Once built, trees stay built until they are expired.
>             %% Config is of the form:
>             %%   {num-builds, per-timespan-in-milliseconds}
>             %% Default is 1 build per hour.
>             {anti_entropy_build_limit, {1, 3600000}},
>             %% Determine how often hash trees are expired after being
> built.
>             %% Periodically expiring a hash tree ensures the on-disk hash
> tree
>             %% data stays consistent with the actual k/v backend data. It
> also
>             %% helps Riak identify silent disk failures and bit rot.
> However,
>             %% expiration is not needed for normal AAE operation and
> should be
>             %% infrequent for performance reasons. The time is specified in
>             %% milliseconds. The default is 1 week.
>             {anti_entropy_expire, 604800000},
>             %% Limit how many AAE exchanges/builds can happen concurrently.
>             {anti_entropy_concurrency, 2},
>             %% The tick determines how often the AAE manager looks for work
>             %% to do (building/expiring trees, triggering exchanges, etc).
>             %% The default is every 15 seconds. Lowering this value will
>             %% speedup the rate that all replicas are synced across the
> cluster.
>             %% Increasing the value is not recommended.
>             {anti_entropy_tick, 15000},
>             %% The directory where AAE hash trees are stored.
>             {anti_entropy_data_dir, "/var/lib/riak/anti_entropy"},
>             %% The LevelDB options used by AAE to generate the
> LevelDB-backed
>             %% on-disk hashtrees.
>             {anti_entropy_leveldb_opts, [{write_buffer_size, 4194304},
>                                          {max_open_files, 20}]},
>  I'll update the bloom filters value and see what happens...
> It's thursday again, and the regeneration process has started again. Since
> I've updated to 1.4.6, I have another thing different. The get/put values
> for each cluster node now have a "random" behaviour. Take a look at the
> next screenshot
> Best regards
> On 31 December 2013 21:16, Charlie Voiselle <> wrote:
>> Edgar:
>> Could you attach the AAE section of your app.config?  I’d like to look
>> into this issue further for you.  Something I think you might be running
>> into is
>> The issue of concern is that the LevelDB bloom filter is not enabled
>> properly for the instance into which the AAE data is stored.  You can
>> mitigate this particular issue by adding *{use_bloomfilter, true}* as
>> shown below:
>>             %% The LevelDB options used by AAE to generate the LevelDB-backed
>>             %% on-disk hashtrees.
>>             {anti_entropy_leveldb_opts, [{write_buffer_size, 4194304},
>>                                          {max_open_files, 20}]},
>> Becomes:
>>             %% The LevelDB options used by AAE to generate the LevelDB-backed
>>             %% on-disk hashtrees.
>>             {anti_entropy_leveldb_opts, [{write_buffer_size, 4194304},
>>                                       {use_bloomfilter, true},
>>                                          {max_open_files, 20}]},
>> This might not solve your specific problem, but it will certainly improve
>> your AAE performance.
>> Thanks,
>> Charlie Voiselle
>> On Dec 31, 2013, at 12:04 PM, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:
>> Hey guys!
>> Nothing on this one?
>> Btw: Happy new year :)
>> On 27 December 2013 22:35, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:
>>> This is a du -hs * of the riak folder:
>>> 44G anti_entropy
>>> 1.1M kv_vnode
>>> 252G leveldb
>>> 124K ring
>>> It's a 6 machine cluster, so ~1512G of levelDB.
>>> Thanks for the tip, I'll upgrade in a near future!
>>> Best regards
>>> On 27 December 2013 21:41, Matthew Von-Maszewski <>wrote:
>>>> I have a query out to the developer that can better respond to your
>>>> follow-up questions.  It might be Monday before we get a reply due to the
>>>> holidays.
>>>> Do you happen to know how much data is in the leveldb dataset and/or
>>>> one vnode?  Not sure it will change the response, but might be nice to have
>>>> that info available.
>>>> Matthew
>>>> P.S.  Unrelated to your question:  Riak 1.4.4 is available for
>>>> download.  It has a couple of nice bug fixes for leveldb.
>>>> On Dec 27, 2013, at 2:08 PM, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:
>>>> Ok, thanks for confirming!
>>>> Is it normal, that this action affects the overall state of the
>>>> cluster? On the 26th It started the regeneration and the the response times
>>>> of the cluster raised to never seen values. It was a day of heavy traffic
>>>> but everything was going quite ok until it started the regeneration
>>>> process..
>>>> Have you got any advices about changing those app.config values? My
>>>> cluster is running smoothly for the past 6 months and I don't want to start
>>>> all over again :)
>>>> Best Regards
>>>> On 27 December 2013 18:56, Matthew Von-Maszewski <>wrote:
>>>>> Yes.  Confirmed.
>>>>> There are options available in app.config to control how often this
>>>>> occurs and how many vnodes rehash at once:  defaults are every 7 days and
>>>>> two vnodes per server at a time.
>>>>> Matthew Von-Maszewski
>>>>> On Dec 27, 2013, at 13:50, Edgar Veiga <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I've been trying to find what may be the cause of this.
>>>>> Every once in a week, all the nodes in my riak cluster start to do
>>>>> some kind of operation that lasts at least for two days.
>>>>> You can watch a sample of my munin logs regarding the last week in
>>>>> here:
>>>>> Take a look at the days 19 and 20, and now it has started again on the
>>>>> 26...
>>>>> I'm suspecting that this may be caused by the aae hash trees being
>>>>> regenerated, as you say in your documentation:
>>>>> For added protection, Riak periodically (default: once a week) clears
>>>>> and regenerates all hash trees from the on-disk K/V data.
>>>>> Can you confirm me that this may be the root of the "problem" and if
>>>>> it's normal for the action to last for two days?
>>>>> I'm using riak 1.4.2 on 6 machines, with centOS. The backend is
>>>>> levelDB.
>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>> Edgar Veiga
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