Related to the recent thread about "Lowlevel Access to RiakCS objects" I plan 
to implement an extension to a Riak Object (in the Golang driver at that will cover two use cases:
1) storing larger files directly in Riak (not Riak CS)
2) store growing files, e.g. log files, efficiently in Riak

I have some questions for the Riak community. First: am I about to re-invent a 
wheel and if so can someone please point me to an example implementation?

If not I would like to know if there is more interest and maybe more use cases 
so we can develop a standard way to store these objects in Riak, allowing 
access from multiple programming languages. If there is, please read the 
proposal below and provide feedback.

Store the meta-information about a “BigObject” in a regular Riak value. This 
object will be stored in <bucket> , <key>. The object will have the following 
meta tags:
- segment_size - size of each segment in bytes
- segment_count - the number of segments of the object
- total_size - optional total size of the entire object (see below).

The objects data would be stored in segments in <bucket>, <key-%06d>. The 
Content-Type would be the same for all objects. Depending on the use case 
total_size could be filled.

Using the two use cases above as an example:
1) storing large files, e.g. video: use a large segment_size, e.g. 1Mb and 
store the total_size since the file will be static and the meta-information can 
be written at once
2) store growing files, e.g. daily log files: use a smaller segment_size, e.g. 
10Kb-100Kb, do not store total_size as otherwise each “Append” operation would 
require two PUTs. If a segment grows beyond the segment_size update the 
meta-information K/V, otherwise only PUT the last segment again. In the 
extension to a client driver a BigObject would store some state information 
that keeps track of the meta-information K/V and the last segment to make the 
Append operation somewhat efficient - note though that each append is 
overwriting the last segment.

Any input is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,


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