Hello all,

We've just tried upgrading from 2.0.0pre11 -> 2.0.0pre20 and have noticed
some new behavior.

In pre11, the following steps worked just fine:
1. create custom schema
2. create index with that schema
3. update bucket props: search_index to the new index name

However, in pre20, step 3 fails with the message: <index name> does not

After fiddling with it for a bit, I got it to work with these modified
1. create custom schema
2. create index with that schema
3. <wait 10 seconds>
4. update bucket props: search_index to the new index name

Note that it works *most* of the time with 10 seconds, step 4 does still
fail on occasion.

Is this expected behavior?
If so, are there any configuration settings we can use to speed this up?

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