
Those errors are normal following an outage of this sort. Hintfiles will be
regenerated during the next bitcask merge and any data file that is
incomplete or has invalid entries will be truncated. This does result in a
loss of replicas but as long as at least 1 replica of the data is not lost
the replicas can be repaired by manual repair or read-repair. The manual
repair procedure is outlined here: .

I recommend that you manually repair any partition that discarded data file
entries but other than that your cluster should be working fine.


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:44 PM, Gerlach, Sebastian <> wrote:

> Dear mailing list,
> Our prod riak cluster goes down with an power outage. We restartet riak an
> found a lot of the following messages:
> [error] <0.22012.0> Hintfile
> '/var/lib/riak/bitcask/174124218510127105489110888272838406638695088128/142
> .bitcask.hint' has bad CRC 28991324 expected 0
> [error] <0.5063.0> Bad datafile entry, discarding(3450/46927 bytes)
> '/var/lib/riak/bitcask/302576510853663494784356625523292968913142284288/140
> .bitcask.hint' contains pointer 949927320 13881 that is greater than total
> data size 949927936
> Our Cluster contains 12 Server.
> We run version 1.2.0-1 on Debian 6
> We are not sure if the error are fixed by riak itself. We found an old
> mailing list entry with the hint to run
> "riak_kv:repair(22835963083295358096932575511191922182123945984)."
> We also checked the Dokumentaion and found:
> ">
> [riak_kv_vnode:repair(P) || P <- Partitions]."
> Both hints doesn't work on our system.
> Have anyone some hints for me.
> Thanks a lot
> Sebastian
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